9-59-8 ??

The only nute for flowering I could find n my area that matches the description you guys gave me (high middle number) is Fertilome Blooming & Rooting 9-59-8. It's high in P but is it too high? Anybody ever tried the stuff? Mine is an outdoor container grow. I'm seeing signs of pre-flowering and figure I need to flush and change nutes.


Well-Known Member
I use FLora nova Veg & bloom & molassas. Not familiar with your product, but it seems harshly high on the numbers compared to the Floro stuff. I sometimes add a very little bit of Shults Bloom which is a 5-30-5 & I only use a 1/4 tsp to a gallon during the first part of bloom.

That 58 seems very high to me.
I am no expert though. But I do have a working knowledge of this stuff.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
that's some nasty ass chem nute man... you'll get bud from it but it isn't gonna be the best bud you've ever had unless you're either growing an epic strain or live in an area with nothing but shit weed...... try to get yourself some earth juice or something , tiger bloom?


Well-Known Member
If you can add another source of potassium to triple the last number, you'll be on the money.

9-59-8 = a ratio of 1-6.6-.89.

I shoot for(not always perfectly) a ratio of 1-4-3 for budding, and 2-1-1 for vegging.

Hope that helps.