
I still don't see any white hairs. too soon to tell
I know.. my camera is shit. I'll keep you updated and try to post some better pics the hairs are there though. Figured it was way too early to post in that "how long" thread. I cant wait until I can though.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Look into the strain you are growing. the largest contributing factor will be genetics. Whatever the breeder recommends is probably an accurate description


Well-Known Member
looks great at first i was like thats a small ass plant lol but then i saw the picture of the whole plant , keep up the work , deff female preflowers , just hope no hermie happens and you'll be able to harvest in about 8 weeks the least and maybe 14 weeks tha latest depending on envirment , strain,GENETICS , etc...........:leaf: :blsmoke:
Wish I could. It's bag seed..from the best "mid" I've ever seen though. Got only 5 seeds from the whole zip. Figured I should do some trail and error before I invest in some high grade seed


Well-Known Member
ahh well then genetics is some what out of the question id think .. but as long as you care for it and do everything right it could be "dank" its all about how you grow it and care for it and harvest and dry and cure , etc.
ahh well then genetics is some what out of the question id think .. but as long as you care for it and do everything right it could be "dank" its all about how you grow it and care for it and harvest and dry and cure , etc.
Yea thats what I figured. I've had some that you could tell had GOOD potential but just botched the curing. This'll be my only bagseed grow though. Just a trail run. Any suggestions on where to get seed?


Well-Known Member
yes i know i was giving him the address cause he asked for a place to get seed s! i was just saying that i asked the same thing and you said to go there !