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  1. anchient

    do not know to how post picture and name. i have photo bucket pic, but can not make it wok or my...

    do not know to how post picture and name. i have photo bucket pic, but can not make it wok or my address. i am busy guy. i will look, for advice, also i am dumb as a rock, so thank you in advance. anchient
  2. anchient

    i do not know to how post picture and name. i have photo bucket pic, but can not make it wok or...

    i do not know to how post picture and name. i have photo bucket pic, but can not make it wok or my address. i am busy guy. i will look, for advice, also i am dumb as a rock, so thank you in advance. anchient
  3. anchient

    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    i am newbe! i posted way back, but anyway i grow white widow and jack haer outside, they get real big, and they work very good. you can not go wrong with w.w. later anchient
  4. anchient

    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    i grow white widow, you will not be disapointed, they get big outside, no mater what [ THEY] say.
  5. anchient

    Outdoor Guerilla-ish Grow. How Do You Handle Nutrients?

    miricle gro then peters specal or bat shit, if you can not get there, but every 2 weeks { in the dark} chems fucking work real well!! 1 tabalespoon per gal. has allways worked fo me.
  6. anchient

    East Coast Guerilla Growers

    i have dug holes to hold water, 5 gal water is "about 45 lbs" you have to carry 2 to balance out.