Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9


i am newbe! i posted way back, but anyway i grow white widow and jack haer outside, they get real big, and they work very good. you can not go wrong with w.w. later anchient


New Member
Well thanks for joining to riu to post in my topic anchient!

Yeah nines 5.5ft. Wonder how big it will get after flower stretch. Im stocked.

Im hoping it will yield at least a half pound


New Member
Ah a nice update on a beautiful wednesday morning after yesterdays thunderstorm :) there looking gooood :blsmoke::leaf:

My Outdoor Garden of 11 :)


White Widow #1 5.5Ft with a 3" round stalk


White Widow #2 Topped and its 11". I topped it 3 days ago is it looking ok? Is that good growth for 3 days later?


Cloud 9 #1 8" i FIMed it. But either i did it wrong or it doesnt do nothing because all it looks like is i cut my leaves??


Cloud 9 #2 6.5"



Well-Known Member
Well im glad to hear half pound. I wouldnt mind more :) i hope my 3 5gal will yield 2-3 oz each
ya i had one get to a little over 6' last season and got 9 or 10 O's off it. not sure on strain. surprising i know! but it was a hybrid, thinkin indica dom. was from a friend... just ran out of it last week too. was SOOO smooth. i could drain .7g bowls easy.


New Member
Thanks! Im not giving nutes anymore. But i had gave her alot. I used fox farm grow big. I may or may not give them nutes in flower

Depeneds on my budget and if there showing defincincays <-- spelling?? Lol


Well-Known Member
haha nice! I take it you used ocean forest soil like everyone? lol I wanna try black gold still. I herd a lot of people in the north use it to grow with. I wanna try it out do my own little mixture to it.


New Member
Yeah part ffof.

A mix about 75% my soil mix and 25% ffof.

My mix was 60% miracle grow organic choice 20% perlite20% sphagnum peatmoss

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Dude time... You have to give her Nutes in the flower... Trust me she will love you so much more.

Just look up some info on the organic tea's. You should be able to make on for pretty cheap!


New Member
Nah i aint fukin around with making my own. Im to busy for that.

Dont worry bro lol this week on mt my day off im buying bigger pot and big bloom :)

I want a fucking pound off this plant!!!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah id really like to see you get an Elbow of this to, i really recommend that you buy some Big bloom and some Tiger Bloom... Big bloom will keep your plant stocked with micro nutes and tiger bloom will keep your plant loaded with Phosphorus and Potassium...

I know buying both is going to cost an extra $20 but in i promise your overall yield will be well worth it!


New Member
Update as of July 18th. Some good news and other bad news :( Well last 5 days heat index has been 105-110 fucking humid and hot hot hawt!!!

Good news - a animal tipped over one of my Cloud9 and i thought i lost it because i couldnt find it. Well... the animal drug it to the side where i didnt look and low and behond shes growing!! roots arnt even buried and where without water in this heat for like a week. Just shows this plant cannot be killed!

Bad news i my tall white widow needed water bad and i didnt supply. Im praying

i havnt been out to water my plants in those 5 days till today. bad fucking mistake very bad :(

White Widow #1 - Gave her a bunch of water i hope she perks up


White widow #2 - her topping has took off. Looking really good :)



Cloud #9


Cloud #9 2 -


Cloud #9 3 -


Garden now - Ugh hopefully she perks back up


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Damn that suck's im sorry buddy. Hope you caught it in time, i think you did.

I remember i fucked over a Northern Lights i had once, looked a lot worse then that widow and it survived... Like you said, these are resilient fucking plants!!!


New Member
Thanks for the reinsurance!:)

Check them again tonite to see how shes doing. Stupid on my part. I knew i should have checked a few days ago


Well-Known Member
great grow! Sorry bout the white widow, update with pics as soon as you can. I just checked my four plant grow for the first time in a month. It's super guerilla and I work slot. Two of the four are completely eaten by bugs despite neem oil treatment .


New Member
Fuck dude i get pissed when bugs munch on a few fingers here and there. But a whole plant. I bet i know how you feel. Itspainful! Fucking bastards!! :cuss: