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  1. S

    Colorado State prop 64.

    Is it 6 plants per household or per person?
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    Colorado State prop 64.

    I had already planned to move to Colorado in January once I've finished everything I got going on here. This just makes it that much sweeter. I can hit the ground running now. No delays no doctor. Giggity
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    Buds Are Growing Great But Fan Leaves Are Dying!!! HELP!!

    Potash add a bloom booster if you already flushed well
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    His problem is watering to much to soon. For starters start in a smaller pot. Water when it reaches half its weight. So water it then let it sit for a hour or so, so it all the extra drains. Check the weight and go from there. If you water a little less at first then your root growth will...
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    BLOOMBASTIC THREAD ~ Opinions, Schedules, Dosages?

    Speak to me gentlemen
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    Question for all the experienced people...

    It's nature man the moon is natural. It won't harm anything.
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    Shooting Powder causing foxtailing? anybody have any advice?

    Anybody have a clue? Used in the wrong weeks? Cut back on the dosage? What's the word gentleman?
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    Problem in the last few weeks!!!!

    Coco and House and Garden with all the fixings. It's got the purple spots so its gotta he phosphorus and its mostly up top. The veins are turning first then the whole leaf from tip back. It's not just the edges
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    Problem in the last few weeks!!!!

    There are a few dark spots from what I have heard. So its P right? Could it be caused by Cal being off or N to high?
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    Problem in the last few weeks!!!!

    My buddy has a problem. And its spreading on the affected. He says it starts at the tip and it appears like burnt tips then travels in the veins first turning them burnt yellow and the rest of the leaf follows. Any ideaw? It looks like a P deficiency. But I honestly have no clue.
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    Question about which Inline Exhaust Fans to use(?)

    8 inch reflectors and fan to cool. Six inch for air exchange and filter. Six inch intake.
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    One of those days ... ever had one of these?

    My sleep schedule nowadays is 36 hours going then a nap, another full 12 hours then crash for 10 hours. Then coffee and the process starts again. Nothing like a little stress to keep you going all night.
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    Root Rot In CoCo

    Bump let's keep this going.... enzymes or no in late flower?
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    thoughts on growing with T5s

    With a hps you woulda been looking like that at the end of the 5th week and that undergrowth woulda be doubled
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    QUESTION.... What does everybody do about root rot in coco? And should you just keep an enzyme going during flower? I know the calculator says stop in week four.
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    thoughts on growing with T5s

    Put a 250 halide and a 400 hps for flower it will make it more worth your while in quality and quantity. Vent with a 4 inch fan and try to find an air cooled hood. But it is pretty limited in 4 inch. So don't skimp on these essentials. If its cooled you can keep it closer which gives you more...
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    Root Rot In CoCo

    My thought would be it could only help but I guess it could focus growth upstairs...? Who knows, I have read a hundred different time frames for your nutes.
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    Root Rot In CoCo

    I heard you were supposed to stop with the enzymes in flower, about half way through? I just thought root rot was bad for them and the enzyme would clean that up?