Question about which Inline Exhaust Fans to use(?)


Active Member
I will be using a 5ft x 10ft tent with two 1000watt HPS air cooled hoods. I want to get two separate fans, one to cool the lights and one to exchange air for the tent; how many CFMs should I be using to cool the two lights and how many CFMs should I be using to provide fresh air into the 5x10 space?



Active Member
5x10x7 = 350 ft cu
6 inch vortex = 440 cfm

for your lights, 200 cfm plus is suggested
so yeah - a 4 inch squirrel cage fan would work here, but why buy anything smaller than a 6 inch inline?
personally, i go a size bigger on all my fans and run them on adjustable outlets = less strain on fan/always power in reserve/more useful in various setups

plan for success/prepare for failure
be ready to grow and expand
when purchasing equipment, versatility then efficiency are my priorities