Well I know the other big bill was SB 5887...which was more lenient that HB 2149. Even SB 5887 isn't scheduled for another hearing...
Don't worry, the fight isn't over yet. I just thought I'd let everyone know that it was pulled from the Senate Healthcare Committee and that's a good sign.
Just read this over at the NWGT forum. It's posted by Steve Sarich, who has been pretty active in Olympia lately so I trust his word. Don't want to get anybody's hopes up but this nightmare may be over...crossing my fingers!! :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
For sure, HB 2233 is the best bill by far. I've voiced support for that bill to all of my representatives. What happens if HB 2233, HB 2149 and SB 5887 all pass....? I know the basics of the democratic process but I don't understand how there can be multiple medical marijuana bills trying to...
I used to drink like 5 days a week then I stopped completely for a year and a half...now I have no tolerance to alcohol which is good for my wallet. :hump: I'm going to grab another brew and play some Call of Duty.
I love how bigots can just waive their Bible around as an excuse to remain bigoted.
You don't have to like gay people or approve of what they're doing, but you can't deny them business simply based on their sexuality....smh. Atheists disapprove of all religions. Can an atheist business owner...
I hardly ever drink alcohol so I'm pretty buzzed off this 1 Sierra Nevada :hug:
Should I grab another beer or vape a bowl of sour....maybe I can do both. :weed:
As somebody who has been through benzodiazepine withdrawal, I highly suggest not using alprazolam or lorazepam. I never even abused them either...just took them as prescribed. These are not drugs to play around with.
Alright man I was just curious because I knew a friend of a friend named Taylor Nolte over here in the Tacoma area.
Good luck with your landlord issue...I know they aren't as friendly about MMJ on the east side.
Glad to see somebody active in contacting their reps about this issue...I've sent out dozens of emails pleading my case and telling my story about my severe ulcerative colitis and cannabis use. They need to know that there are real patients out there that will suffer from these new amendments to...
So I'm a little bit confused. There is a senate bill (5887) that is slightly different than HB 2149. 5887 has been around longer and is a tad more lenient...it allows you to possess as much as 3 plants can give you instead of just 3 ounces. It's still bullshit but I can easily get 8 ounces off...
This whole process is making me hate the democrats. If you watch the video, the only people that spoke up against hb 2149 were Republicans! I usually vote Libertarian, but if the Republicans can somehow kill this bill, I will vote Republican in the next election. I didn't think I'd EVER say...
I definitely don't think the government should be able to, but they are going to regardless of what I think.
Anybody that thinks the old medical marijuana laws are going to get by untouched needs to get their head checked. :dunce:
I really think that the LCB is trying to copy Colorado in a way. Look at their medical laws. 6 plants (3 flowering, 3 veg) and a 2 ounce limit. I don't hear many people from Colorado complaining....
I just got done emailing all three of my representatives too. Everybody needs to email or call them!! I got laughed at when I told people on other forums to write the LCB about home grows, but they actually listened to the patients and reversed their stance on the issue. It may not be perfect...
I think 6 plants is pretty fair...but the 3 oz limit makes no sense. These are still recommendations that have to go to legislature and there are pro mmj people there. Hopefully some things get changed around. Just getting the LCB to reverse their stance on home growing is a very small...
They have to know that if they get rid of medical cannabis those patients wont buy their stuff from the state. They will go back to the black market. I-502 is set up to fail, lets hope it does :fire: