They're pessimistic because they wont make as much money. Boo freakity hoo
Most people like Obamacare, they just don't like the mandate. Get it right you partisan hack
It's very possible....I never use a machine and I get full melt in my 90 and 73 micron bags with just a big spoon. The machine is theoretically better, but you can make a fine product with just ice, a big spoon, and your bags.
Hate to join the party late, but "Fast and Furious" did begin under a previous just wasn't called "Fast and Furious"
Doesn't make it right, but the gunwalking did start in 2006. You can't deny that
I'm a 3 handicap
Been playing for a solid 12 years....played junior tournaments for 6 years and placed top 10 in my 4a state tourney my junior year. Never played college golf but I'm still a 3 handicap today and playing better than ever. Last 3 rounds i've shot 71 71 73
Uh...maybe I'm missing something but I'm pretty sure that the attack was a celebration of 9/11.....ya know, since the recent attack happened on the 11th anniversary of 9/11
Can you elaborate on that? Post a link?
The right wing (Fox) media tried to make an issue over Obama's birth certificate...
Problem is, he's already revealed his birth certificate and Hawaiian officials have re-confirmed that fact multiple times.
At least he's transparent about his drug use....who cares? Most of our politicians have done drugs, they just don't talk about it. They're mostly alcoholics though, just look at John Boehner
Maybe we should have thought about policing the globe for the past 50 years....
What would we do if there were Iraqi or German military bases all over the country? We'd be pissed. I don't blame them for wanting us to leave, we need to get out.