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  1. datdpeGY247

    MJ Breedin

    Ok In the mj world there is strains that change the world and put certaint areas on the map. For example pitsburg or holland. That is when I thought y cant small town states make their own pride. And what other way than to reinvent a popular strain that gets alot of bad talk. Reggies or to some...
  2. datdpeGY247

    Marijuana Breeding

    New thread new thread ha :=], Ok ik everyone is familar with reggies. No matter what state ur in. I have been looking into breeding and I what 2 reinvent this strain any suggestions 2 what might make this improve yield, potency, and overall apperance. The original skunk comes to mind to me.
  3. datdpeGY247


    I have been doin my 1st hydro and using floranova gro/bloom is workin wonders. Just 5 weeks in and I have at least 6 sets of leave. Hydro mazin. Anyone else thoughts on Flornova series?:=],
  4. datdpeGY247

    How deep of a hole for indica plants?

    yea agreed or just do raise beds with 2ft deep and 5-6ft wide I believe that cannabis likes dept over range to burrow deep
  5. datdpeGY247

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    ok how many weeks old when u cut
  6. datdpeGY247

    Good Temp to Dry Buds at?

    I agree 75-80 78 to B gud though 90 ull hav probs
  7. datdpeGY247

    Perfect time to start curing?

    yea I feel ya it can take from 5-7 days at least to get it evenly dry never heard of 3 unless dat shit is fast dryed
  8. datdpeGY247

    Grow room fans!!!!!

    Yea I didnt notice how important circulation was until the room gt hot and my ladies became males or hermis
  9. datdpeGY247

    6 Romulan, 3 Blueberry Jack, 400W HPS

    OOO dat afgoo da shit
  10. datdpeGY247

    Prepping native soil

    All I can say is compost, compost, and compost.
  11. datdpeGY247

    hydro hydro hydro ah i love this

    hydro hydro hydro ah i love this
  12. datdpeGY247

    Idk how many christians that are out there that question weed bt here it is. The bible says "...

    Idk how many christians that are out there that question weed bt here it is. The bible says " And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And god said it was good. So evening...
  13. datdpeGY247

    Miracle Grow Works Fine

    yea cool man i fully agree MG is good 2 gro with n it does get alot of negative feedback. I used it all my grows. Got beatiful top nugs with it. Thumbs up 2 MG
  14. datdpeGY247

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    ok dis is on a different topic bt i feel like if i dnt ask it here it will never get answered. ok me n a couple of homies decided 2 add a homemade co2 gen and on top of dat were using selter water. Now my question is, is there such a thing as 2 much co2 and if so wat r da symtoms
  15. datdpeGY247

    Help ppl! Can I Save Her?

    yea the slight drooppin is sign of over/under watering
  16. datdpeGY247

    What Does A Gram Look Like?

    a gram is usually like a nug
  17. datdpeGY247

    lova da floranova

    lova da floranova
  18. datdpeGY247

    Ever since i can remember i was impressed with plants. and all the many things they can do. So...

    Ever since i can remember i was impressed with plants. and all the many things they can do. So when i came across a lady named mary j i fell in love. She doesnt require much bt good lights, soil, air, nutes, and a good green thumb.
  19. datdpeGY247

    Need Help ON First Grow Indoors

    all i got to say is that marijuana is a easy plant all it needs is: good light, soil, nutes, good air, and a good grower. i hate how people nock lower wattage lights it will grow good under any light wither it be fluor,hid or hps so it doesnt matter the wattage or watever. I had seven grows on...
  20. datdpeGY247

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    ok i got a question that anomalies brought up the issue with mold. to keep from mold you dry them out fully unlike ganjaluvr said i think you should dry them until the stem breaks. cause if you dry it till it bends it will have to much moisture for the curing process. MOISTURE=MOLD