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  1. F

    The errors of a first time outdoor grower

    In the end, I'll have a decent stash of some decent outdoor - though I started with 16 plants - and before all is set and done, I will have lost a TON through the following missteps: - planting multiple seeds in same pot, resulting in plants competing for root space - planting while playing...
  2. F

    Question on slightly mildewed harvest

    Had to pull a plant early due to some bud rot and some white mildew. Yesterday, I cut out what I could butt Dayak seeing a bit new white mesh mildew. I've got the buds hanging upside down in a box with the ceiling fan as well as a plug in fan. What else can I do to minimize new fungus...
  3. F

    moldy buds

    take caution my friend... i had the same issue a few days ago, where just one of my several plants' buds showed mold/white mesh/goo. i cut out a few pieces, but with the consistent rain that fell, i came out to several plants the next day with issues everywhere. im a few weeks from harvest...
  4. F

    I have bud rot, and i am leaving for 5 days...

    what should i be treating it with?
  5. F

    Please help with timing of harvest (will be away for a week)

    Cool - thanks for the advice all. i snipped the buds this morning that were in danger, and spent a lot of time separating the good from the bad. question - i had to break up a lot of the buds so that i minimized the risk of leaving some mold in there. but as a result, i am left with a lot of...
  6. F

    I have bud rot, and i am leaving for 5 days...

    I should have clarified. These pix above are of the good part so that you could help judge if it's close enough to pull. On the parts of the plant I've found brown mush, white mesh mold and white gu mold.
  7. F

    I have bud rot, and i am leaving for 5 days...

    trying to keep up with the rain and dropping temps going on - but things are getting a bit out of hand. did quite a bit of cutting today to rid of certain branches. my concern is that i am headed out of town for 5 days, and i wont be able to tend to these while i am gone, and i am afraid i'll...
  8. F

    Please help with timing of harvest (will be away for a week)

    i really want to leave them, but i am getting really concerned about mold. there have been a few browning areas, and i came out this morning to some white-webbish mold on some of the buds. the concern is that the weather looks wet for the next few days, and then i am out of town for 5 days...
  9. F

    First outdoor grow pics

    some recents using a decent camera: Lady #1: Lady #2: I'm hoping #1 is done by a week from Saturday. Thoughts?
  10. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    That's one plant - here's another: Last one:
  11. F

    Please help with timing of harvest (will be away for a week)

    Here's my dilemma. Plant could be done by this weekend. Option 1: harvest this weekend and start drying, but will have to leave plants unattended mon-fri of next week. Option 2: wait till week from Friday to pull, but then leave unattended This mon-fri and cannot do anything if mold becomes...
  12. F

    Help me identify these strains

    thanks wheezer - check out these pics - the first one is of the one you said might be the haze- but i think it is actually the honey b - it was the last to flower, and seems to be filling in looking like pics i've seen of honey b when its done. what do you think?
  13. F

    My plants have a drive to live

    one more...
  14. F

    My plants have a drive to live

    this is where things are at now... i've got two plants that look like they were hit by a bus -but these guys are finishing the race:
  15. F

    Please help with timing of harvest (will be away for a week)

    here's a pic as of yesterday: When do you think this will be ready to pull? I will be out of town Mon Sept 26 through that Friday, so I am trying to time pulling this, drying and curing so that my absence doesn't screw anything up...
  16. F

    Help me identify these strains

    here are some recent pics:
  17. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    first pic is one plant; 2nd two pics is from another...
  18. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    a few pics from two plants - dont mind the dirt from the hurricane!
  19. F

    My plants have a drive to live

    i doubt the dirt will clear out of the buds that grew prior to the storm - but i've got 6 survivors, so whatever clean grows from last week through harvest may not hold me over for the year, but will at least give me something to be proud of!
  20. F

    My plants have a drive to live

    The night before Hurricane Irene, putting stakes in the ground to weather the storm might have been the best decision I could have made (besides pulling them from the ground beforehand and putting them in pots). During the storm, the plants were under 6-8 ft of river water as the hurricane...