My plants have a drive to live


The night before Hurricane Irene, putting stakes in the ground to weather the storm might have been the best decision I could have made (besides pulling them from the ground beforehand and putting them in pots).

During the storm, the plants were under 6-8 ft of river water as the hurricane swelled the local streams/rivers and everything nearby. I got back last Monday to a sorrow sight - convinced these things did not survive. A week later, here are some shots that show me these ladies might actually pull through:



give those bitches a bath ! :-P
i doubt the dirt will clear out of the buds that grew prior to the storm - but i've got 6 survivors, so whatever clean grows from last week through harvest may not hold me over for the year, but will at least give me something to be proud of!
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some wind knocked just about all of mine over last night. this is like the third time this has happened, its like they get knocked over, some branches break, and rite after there all healed it happens again, ne way my point, the one that got knocked over, got quite a bit of dirt and mud on sum of the buds, so after the dirt dried i took a small paint brush and started getting itno the corners of the buds and getting the dirt out, i didnt get all of it but i did get the majority, im guessing ne thing else on there will clean out in the remaining 5-6 weeks, and if not, ill smoke it neway, a few little dirt specks wont kill me, so maybe u can use the paint brush thing i did to dust ur girls off


IMG_0864.jpgIMG_0866.jpgthis is where things are at now... i've got two plants that look like they were hit by a bus -but these guys are finishing the race:


Active Member
dude maybe you could try a water cure :p idk if the bud would taste weird with dirt logged in the innards.. Water cure will purify your buds :3


The same thing happened to my buddy that lives near a river all his plants went under water and he thought they were a goner but nope they came back and are doing good...hope they are sum kill!


Active Member
actually,if u think about it

the water saved your plants, imagine if none of the water was there, you can for sure say bye bye then, but they was underwater which, maybe, saved them.. maybe?

just a high thought :P