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  1. C

    curling leaves

    looks like nitrogen claw bro
  2. C

    Purple seedling stems!

    yes but alot of people who ask Q's why there stems are purple are new and start with bag seed to get there barrings but with what you stated you should be able to find the origin of bag seed with treat every seedling the same concept lil water as possible without makein it to dry for to long...
  3. C

    Purple seedling stems!

    agreed with temp but in my grows i have delt with good and bad purples in my experience good genetic purples are deep in color bads have always started and been a lighter color with a lil more redish shade in the purple do you have a veiw on this ....and i was comparing this to one of my plants...
  4. C

    Purple seedling stems!

    if your thinkin a problem its not some strains have it ive had a few grows were the whole plant is purple some just the stems in my experience it will get bigger and you will have normal stems with purple streaks in it its a genetic thing no real problem ......these look promising the mother i...
  5. C

    Oh damn...

    i would say heat for sure get some fans ect ect somethin else to look into are shifting ph levels will make them twist a bit maybe even a nitrogen claw goin on in there if its not heat or ph i would guess nitrogen but over all i think heat if they are crispy... and nitrogen as a last resort i...
  6. C

    help pics im not sure on what this is indica or sativa?

    ok so i started this girl quite some time ago but she stays small and then i noticed today all her leaves only have 3 idk what it is ive never seen anything like it can someone give me some insight on this ?
  7. C

    i need help!!!!!!

    the main thing to watch is the size of the main stem if it starts to get real small and shrink you have major root damage and could be bad but if everything is just bendy it should be fine as far as soil try to stay away from mg try fox farm or even organic brand stuff for faster growth look...
  8. C

    hey imma a soil guy if you make it to were i can private message you i will be more then happy...

    hey imma a soil guy if you make it to were i can private message you i will be more then happy to help you out with stuff
  9. C

    i need help!!!!!!

    ok do you have pics ? bending or is broken and if wilting you could have major problems if dropped and dirt came out more then half and you snapped your tap root plant might make it if its real bad it will start to wilt and die if a few places are just bending a lil from impact should be fine as...
  10. C

    First Grow! First Post! PLEASE look at these PICTURES and tell me what the FUCK's up!

    is that one close to a fan perhaps ive had something that looks like that with one of my girls might be gettin to much wind but if not that i would have to say ph fluctuation but she should grow out of it still looks healthy to me just watch the ph level
  11. C

    Replant or leave alone?

    i agree some of mine have done this it really makes no difference as long as they are not right on top of the side of the container everything will be fine
  12. C

    Cal/mag overload?

    im a soil man and im on my first grow by the way pretty old plant i flipped out when this started to happen to my girls but turns out they do that if you have good growing plants that u have been topping the upper leaves shade the lower ones and its a kind of only the strong survive kinda thing...
  13. C

    Cal/mag overload?

    ok the lower leaves do get yellow and die sometimes what kind of lights do u use fert is it soil or hydro and do u have pics
  14. C

    help i need to know what is going on with her

    ok i need to know whats goin on here the they are cupping up a lil just started i started fert 25% potency 2 days ago then today she got just water is it to much fert potency wise or to much water only 280-300 ml or to much light ect ect i just need help here this is also my first grow and my...
  15. C

    need a little help on ways and what to do here

    soil is what i grow in if thats what ur lookin for and also its in my closet
  16. C

    need a little help on ways and what to do here

    ok so plants grow from seeds for the first 3 weeks they dont need nutrients after that they go into veg for 4 weeks with nutrients i have 18-24-16 this is as close to 20 -20-20 i could get in my town is this ok ? and i also know to start the nutrients off slow like 25 % of recommended and to...
  17. C

    i need help from a soil man about fertilizer

    hello just wanted to know if there is a kind of fertilizer that is better over others and when to use in the life cycle and when to stop
  18. C

    first grow need some advice

    hey guys this is my first real grow ive picked the soil road i germinated my seed 3 of them from a plant a friend has.. i need to know about how long they should stay in what size containers i started in Dixie cups for like beer pong size.. 2 got to be about 4-5 inches in a few weeks the third...