Cal/mag overload?

Mort Fink

New Member
I know I should find a deficiency chart or take time and research but Im in a rush and about to head out so I figured I'd post this quick to start as a reference. I think my plant have gotten too much dolomite lime resulting in a cal/mag overload. lower leaves yellowing and droopy. Is this common for cal/mag overload. Anybody have experience with cal/mag or lime overloads? Please share your experiences.


ok the lower leaves do get yellow and die sometimes what kind of lights do u use fert is it soil or hydro and do u have pics


im a soil man and im on my first grow by the way pretty old plant i flipped out when this started to happen to my girls but turns out they do that if you have good growing plants that u have been topping the upper leaves shade the lower ones and its a kind of only the strong survive kinda thing in this case who has the most light see if u use cfl lights this is very common cuz there would have to be lights 1 inch around every branch and with hps or metal halide u keep the lights up higher and when the canopy grows it shades lower parts and this happens it not always a problem but pics would help if they look different then what happened to my girls ill let u know

Mort Fink

New Member
I know all that stuff, but it happened right after I top dressed my soil with lime(too much). If it is something else I will figure it out, I kinda just wanted to hear stories of people who used too much lime or cal/mag and their experiences with it. Thanks for the help man.