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  1. Sealight

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    I'm blizzzy blazed off my ass and i want to know who else out there loves playing with and being around animals when stoned. Keep the peace :peace:
  2. Sealight

    What's the Most Significant Thing You've Done in Your Life?

    Went to france on an exchange program for a year at 18, still here ^^
  3. Sealight

    she said yes!!

    I'll smoke to that! Peace from France bro.
  4. Sealight

  5. Sealight

    Have you ever been betrayed?

    Ok, so i'm in france, livin in a host family, i get with this chick at my party, 25 friends over, i spend almost my whole night with her, being really nice. We fuck and shit, telling me how we should date afterwards, we kiss, I was really drunk and she put me to bed. I wake up, find out she...
  6. Sealight

    How long would 18 grams last you??

    Right now, since I'm off campus and done with the semester, probably 13 daysish.
  7. Sealight

    Interesting Question: Do you guys think astronauts have even light up in space?

    Well if I was their boss, I'd tell them they do what I want, or they're not ever coming back to earth lmao. I'd bring hash I think, there's something spacey about it, and of course space cake, there'd be so many puns about it inbetween me and my astrofriends hahaha. i'm baked and it's great...
  8. Sealight

    Interesting Question: Do you guys think astronauts have even light up in space?

    Like they're over there for sometimes almost a year, i'm sure many of them smoke, who thinks they've ever hot boxed in their little space stations or ate space cakes in space? I'm super baked and this is the best question I've ever asked myself. Peace -Seabongsmilie
  9. Sealight


    Yeah I used to live there too dude, I moved because that place was fucked, also because pot was illegal.
  10. Sealight

    Has Marijuana Helped You Come Off of Any Other Drugs?

    If cigs count yeah. I haven't smoked for a week and starting smoking or eating pot everyday and even though there's tobacco in my joints sometimes, I have no more urges to smoke a cig, like at all. This even worked when I had 3 days and only ate the pot in firecrackers. I can't tell you why...
  11. Sealight

    I'm Making Onion Rings In The Toaster Oven

    fuck yeah dude, one time at my friends appartment we heated up a dish in the freezer with a hair dryer after having had smoked like 4 bowls. We were paranoid that'd we forget to turn off the oven gas if we turned it on or something hahaha
  12. Sealight

    Any Good Tea Recipes Out There

    Can i do this with hash? or do you guys know of any good hash tea recipes? anything drinkable. I know cooking works almost hte same as weed, for firecrackers and space cake for example, but otherwise I'm not sure if it would go as well with the tea.
  13. Sealight

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Here in southern france where I've been, I pay about 100 euros, so like 140 dollars, for an ounce of brown hash, finding bud is hard and i've never bought that much.
  14. Sealight

    Truth or Lie?

    Lie, hunt his ass down and get your green.
  15. Sealight

    Hitting the Links High. Stoned Golfing.

    Just a quick question, who else out there has smoked js or got high while golfing? I've done it 2wice so far and it is AWESOME! If you haven't tried it, and can golf, do it. Just an interesting conversation piece? Any awesome stories? The best memory I've got is hitting a 50 yard chip into...
  16. Sealight


    Fuck George W. Bush and his dad Fuck Mme Boitelle Fuck Drug laws Fuck Bitches, Get money.
  17. Sealight

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    That shit's legit dude, good luck. Also ya know if you get bored doing that you've got enough room for 12-20 plants there haha ^^
  18. Sealight

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    bachelor Frog rises again.
  19. Sealight

    Highs have more and more hallucinations?

    Idk man, if it's like that next time, start to worry, otherwise enjoy your strong-as-fuck dank man!
  20. Sealight

    Babies in movie theaters?

    Get a magic flight box and toke in the theatre dude, you won't give a shit!