What's the Most Significant Thing You've Done in Your Life?


Well-Known Member
This should be an interesting thread, what do you think is the most significant thing you've done in your life?

I'd say one of my top is helping keep my mom clean from meth. I found out she'd been using pretty much my whole childhood life, quit for a while and started up again, used for about a decade, and has been clean since Jan. It, along with other things, have devestated her life, I realized a while back how important she actually is to me and my attitude about the whole situation has completely changed.

What about you?


Active Member
I got married thats about it. No kids. Wife cant have em I dont want em. If it ever happens it happens. but until then I can sit around enjoy being a adult with out that hassle of kids.


Well-Known Member
danced in high school... but im young, im sure i will do more fufilling things, but right now, that tops the cake. teaches a great work ethic


Well-Known Member
well i d k if it has to be a positive thing but most significant thing i eva done was move back home, am not sure if its good or bad yet, pros i can grow my own pot, i choose to work cuz for this economy am set for a while, cons NO GOOD PIZZA! the roads are horrible the government is corrupt as fuck, (yes worse than bush, ahaha you guys can't touch me now am half way around the world)


Well-Known Member
Seeing my baby girl pop out is a close second to the time I wrestled a grizzly bear in Northwest British Columbia to save an Indian girl. The indians carved a totem pole to remember the spot on the Mighty Stikine River where my deed is famous.