

Active Member
Why is war necessary? To the people supporting this position, please explain a situation where the only solution is war.
if your being attacked. cant just sit there like france during ww2 and get your ass kicked and not fight back. bin laden attacks us not once but twice(unless your one of those conspiracy theorists and say it was bush). we cant just let him go and wait for him to do it again. we needed to find him and kill him. even if he would have surrendered i say still shoot the bitch.

someone breaks into my house to steal or whatever im gonna blow their skull open with a 12 guage. not really war but same principle.

why is anti war necessary? yes, war sucks, its fucking terrible. but we live in a fucked up world with a fucked up society. we cant change everyone to behave themselves into doing the right thing. as long as there is bad guys out there like terrorists, we will always need war. be nice if we could just leave them alone and live our lives peacefully. but they want us dead. they hate us. they bomb us and our families. its not just in the US. its all over europe as well. especially in england. maybe one day when we take out all the trash, we wont need to fight anymore. but unfortunately, we wont live to see that day.


Well-Known Member
Why is war necessary? To the people supporting this position, please explain a situation where the only solution is war.
Government makes into law church attendance is mandatory.

Just an example but one I thought you'd understand best.


Well-Known Member
if your being attacked. cant just sit there like france during ww2 and get your ass kicked and not fight back. bin laden attacks us not once but twice(unless your one of those conspiracy theorists and say it was bush). we cant just let him go and wait for him to do it again. we needed to find him and kill him. even if he would have surrendered i say still shoot the bitch.
OK, I understand where you're coming from, but is one mans capture worth the number of innocent people killed during the "war on terror"? Consider the damage the conflict has done, how far it reaches, the people, the economy, etc.

be nice if we could just leave them alone and live our lives peacefully. but they want us dead. they hate us. they bomb us and our families.
Have you ever asked yourself why? Why do they hate us? Why do they bomb us?

Government makes into law church attendance is mandatory.

Just an example but one I thought you'd understand best.
I don't think I would go to war or encite violence if the government stepped in and told everyone church attendance is mandatory. I think there are other ways to more effectively communicate the idea that as American citizens, we won't stand for something like that. I don't think it would reach the point of full out war.

At this point, I think possibly the most justifiable reasons to wage war are invasion or occupation, then it's a guerella war, just like Iraq, it seems the days of army vs. army are in the past.

If aliens invaded and tried to take over, definitely, war to save and protect the planet. But war today, how it's used by leaders of nations, imo, is directly opposed to the well being of it's citizens. In most cases, it's for profit for industries that hold a lot of power and influence in our government. I can't remember the last time I thought an all out, full scale war was justified given the circumstances that led up to the conflict. Definitely not anything in my lifetime. The rationale behind waging war seems somewhat contradictory in my head, similar to capital punishment for murderers, innocent people are killed as a direct result of one nations intentional actions, a factory is bombed, rockets land in civilian territory, etc., so the responding nation sends it's army to attack military and politically important targets in the attacking nations borders usually resulting in innocent civilian deaths. How does this make any kind of sense?

Add in nationalism and religion and it becomes clear why wars are waged.


Well-Known Member
if your being attacked. cant just sit there like france during ww2 and get your ass kicked and not fight back. bin laden attacks us not once but twice(unless your one of those conspiracy theorists and say it was bush). we cant just let him go and wait for him to do it again. we needed to find him and kill him. even if he would have surrendered i say still shoot the bitch.

someone breaks into my house to steal or whatever im gonna blow their skull open with a 12 guage. not really war but same principle.

why is anti war necessary? yes, war sucks, its fucking terrible. but we live in a fucked up world with a fucked up society. we cant change everyone to behave themselves into doing the right thing. as long as there is bad guys out there like terrorists, we will always need war. be nice if we could just leave them alone and live our lives peacefully. but they want us dead. they hate us. they bomb us and our families. its not just in the US. its all over europe as well. especially in england. maybe one day when we take out all the trash, we wont need to fight anymore. but unfortunately, we wont live to see that day.
If I was a betting man I'd put a brown(thats Canadian for 100 bux) on the fact that your very attitude is exactly what the war mongers have worked so hard to create. Bravo You are a star A+++ Student...now go join the army/airforce or navy and live the dream big fella......Trust me your gonna love blowing humans to bits....especially when your old and grey with nothing but time to look back on all those great times turning humans into mush. that is of course if you make it that long.

War is a vehicle that the wealthy and powerfull use to create more or protect power and wealth because what they have is just not enough. I defy anyone to proove that statement wrong.

Someone used the 100 people on an island analogy.....If the 25 were stealing food its because the 75 were hording it or passing out the rotten stuff and eating the fresh stuff for themselves. You see if everyone were being fed equally then what reason would they have to steal it? I know sounds commie right LOL. Herein lies the problem way too many people feel they are better than other people for any littany of reasons. Therefore we deserve to live and they deserve to die right?


[SIZE=-1]W[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ar may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's "children".[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would go to war or encite violence if the government stepped in and told everyone church attendance is mandatory. I think there are other ways to more effectively communicate the idea that as American citizens, we won't stand for something like that. I don't think it would reach the point of full out war.

At this point, I think possibly the most justifiable reasons to wage war are invasion or occupation, then it's a guerella war, just like Iraq, it seems the days of army vs. army are in the past.

If aliens invaded and tried to take over, definitely, war to save and protect the planet. But war today, how it's used by leaders of nations, imo, is directly opposed to the well being of it's citizens. In most cases, it's for profit for industries that hold a lot of power and influence in our government. I can't remember the last time I thought an all out, full scale war was justified given the circumstances that led up to the conflict. Definitely not anything in my lifetime. The rationale behind waging war seems somewhat contradictory in my head, similar to capital punishment for murderers, innocent people are killed as a direct result of one nations intentional actions, a factory is bombed, rockets land in civilian territory, etc., so the responding nation sends it's army to attack military and politically important targets in the attacking nations borders usually resulting in innocent civilian deaths. How does this make any kind of sense?

Add in nationalism and religion and it becomes clear why wars are waged.
Understandable, but what about a tyrannical government? That's something that's getting close to happening in our lifetime with our own government.

When the people's voices aren't heard, or being ignored, civil uprising can take place. When issues can't be solved with words, other things must happen.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
weve got too many anyway.....why not shave off several thousand...its nature....only weve evolved enough to where i dont have to physically hit u....i can be miles away....some times were better off without the others....


Well-Known Member
hey if getting rid of the scumb of the earth can make me a few dollars too well I say "fuck Hell yea" :D

Except it doesn't make you any money. It makes a very small number of people a very large number of money, increases our debt/deficit, raises taxes and ruins lives.

Big P

Well-Known Member
my job makes money off of free nations in the middle east. cant sell shit to them if theres and embargo blocking all american goods cuz some asshole dictator would prefer his people suffer than get badly needed american and western medicine and equipment to them. killing millions per year i might add

now that iraq is free you wouldnt believe how much better off they are. years and decadeds of thier broken down infrastructure is being repaired and replaced now as we speak. And I am proud to be a part of it, fixing hospitols schools refineries, water pumping stations so people can drink clean water repairing 3rd world sewage conditions the BAATH Party of Saddam created with thier idiocy greed and malevolence.

God bless America and our troops And George w Bush for Saving Iraq from thier Nightmare.

you know they have holidays and statues honoring Bush out there now? Guess what boys name has become very popular in Iraq since the invasion?


many of you people have no idea whats really going on. Trust, with as much scrutiny america is under these days there is no way we could get away with doing somthing horrible to a nation like Nazis did. even though the fools and spinners try to label us as such. when we already get lambasted for doing somthing good lol

its like bazzarro world out there and in here.

but we just keep chuggin along. soon Iraqi troops will be coming to America to keep the peace and get rid of our dictators in 100 years lol

its goin that way

Big P

Well-Known Member
it is true though they did erect a statue honoring the guy who threw the shoe at bush too in saddams home town lol

hey you cant win them all lol

these must be iraqi liberals lol, saddams peeps

however Iraqi government authorites have since taken the statue down:

Fatin al-Nassiri says Iraqi police told her the statue had to be removed from the orphanage in Tikrit because government property should not be used for something with a political bias.


Well-Known Member
my job makes money off of free nations in the middle east. cant sell shit to them if theres and embargo blocking all american goods cuz some asshole dictator would prefer his people suffer than get badly needed american and western medicine and equipment to them. killing millions per year i might add

now that iraq is free you wouldnt believe how much better off they are. years and decadeds of thier broken down infrastructure is being repaired and replaced now as we speak. And I am proud to be a part of it, fixing hospitols schools refineries, water pumping stations so people can drink clean water repairing 3rd world sewage conditions the BAATH Party of Saddam created with thier idiocy greed and malevolence.

God bless America and our troops And George w Bush for Saving Iraq from thier Nightmare.

you know they have holidays and statues honoring Bush out there now? Guess what boys name has become very popular in Iraq since the invasion?


many of you people have no idea whats really going on. Trust, with as much scrutiny america is under these days there is no way we could get away with doing somthing horrible to a nation like Nazis did. even though the fools and spinners try to label us as such. when we already get lambasted for doing somthing good lol

its like bazzarro world out there and in here.

but we just keep chuggin along. soon Iraqi troops will be coming to America to keep the peace and get rid of our dictators in 100 years lol

its goin that way
Wow man, just... wow... can you substantiate any of those claims?


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]W[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ar may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's "children".[/SIZE]
War? What is it good for...? Absolutely nothing. LoL. I believe that man kind has to become peaceful and tranquil. Once mankind (Not the wrestler) gets the broad picture we will ascend to a higher level of existence.


Well-Known Member
Well there is always a lot of time to tell the USA thankyou for all of her worldy deeds up to today, however I want to focus on war for a second. War is established by kings, and fought by the pawns. Expendible soldier doing his duty in the name of "God/Country", they die and don't give a fuck as long as they died believing they served their noble king's/country's beliefs. Lots of blood has been spilled in the last 6000 years. The King's most important job after initiating the war pact is to tell his Troop that the bad guys are immoral heathens that "deserve" their "noble" death sentence made by the king. That's all. War really is not so big after all, from the King's selfish point of view, unless you recount all the innocent warriors dupped into fighting for bullshit causes, and the innocent villages that get sacked, their women and children raped/slaughtered. Ha, war fucking sucks when you look at it from the Peasant's side, the guy with the gun/sword in his hand ready to meet death on the battlefield in the name of the king and country, but what is so noble about being like a Pawn on a chess board?

I do agree with your position about war, but the west are the evil ones. Are you meaning USA, because if you are, I like to see where you would be if it was not for the USA.

You would be speaking German now, because Hiltler would have overrun you like nobodys business.

To the original OP, I fight with this in my mind all the time, I hate the idea of war but what if nothing would ever be done.

Examples Hitler, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc.... Many people would have been killed and strongarm leaders would have taken over.

I wish somebody had the right answer....