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  1. S

    PH will not come down

    Hey Shortbus. I just had the opposite experience with "natural up" and "Natural Down". Both of them lowered my PH with distilled water. I tasted them and they taste exactly the same - like citric acid. Unbelievable.
  2. S

    WTF - "Natural Up" turning PH paper red?

    I took a little taste of "Natural Up" and "Natural Down", made by Earth Juice, and they taste exactly the same - like citric acid. Unbelievable - and I can't even remember where I bought the stuff.
  3. S

    WTF - "Natural Up" turning PH paper red?

    I'm using this product called "Natural Up" which is supposed to be potassium bicarbonate, but it's turning my PH indicator solution red (acidic)? Any idea what could be going on here?
  4. S

    secret to fat buds

    Thanks OB, much appreciated :bigjoint:
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    secret to fat buds

    I agree with Little Tommy... just like Tomatoe plants, they need really good circulation, and overcrowding is like when you stuff a bunch of people onto a subway car, it's just not comfortable. Plus if light can't penetrate the canopy it doesn't matter how powerful it is. try some controlled...
  6. S

    secret to fat buds

    i jus looked at ur last pix post n ur plants look great man... never mind the lite non dense buds... a lot of strains dont have compact tight buds, sum r airy n lite... Thanks man, that's nice to hear :-)
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    secret to fat buds

    These pics are a bit better I think. I tried to take a more flattering pic of the one that's almost done (it's filling out last few days, maybe not that bad after all). I dunno, do these look scrawny? They're not as lush as some, for sure. They look fairly healthy to me.
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    secret to fat buds

    think these are fat ? They look very lush. Think I will be going aero next time as well. Do you have any pics of your plants at the end of flowering?
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    secret to fat buds

    yeah man- something doesnt seem right with these plants to be honest... Kinda thin all around, skinny stems- skinny buds- have u tried molasses, and i dont think more nutes are necissarilly the answer- I dont use a lot of nutes, other than good soil, feed the soil not the plant... And are you...
  10. S

    secret to fat buds

    Thanks, I agree it's an invaluable source of information, especially the grow journals.
  11. S

    secret to fat buds

    Yeah, they're in the same room with me and I basically turn off all the lights (except my computer monitor) as well as covering the tub with poly. But next week I'm getting a loft bed which will be perfect for putting a grow room underneath (although possibly reckless if something catches fire)...
  12. S

    secret to fat buds

    u honestly need more lighting. lite fluffy or none dense usually needs more lighting. not jus from top but from all around Just ordered some mylar. Maybe I'll put in some cfls lower down too - thanks
  13. S

    secret to fat buds

    Here are some more pics. These are all female clones from the first grow. I'm sure they're not males or hermies. There are two or three plants in each pot and they are lst'ed to try to make an even canope. It's kind of messy I know. Might be too dense. If so I'll prune or remove some of them...
  14. S

    secret to fat buds

    I just got the Son Agro 430W HPS a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully the yield on this next grow will be better.
  15. S

    Whats the earliest cloning can be done

    It'll work though. You can take a clone any time. These plants are amazingly hardy.
  16. S

    secret to fat buds

    Ill try the light warrior - thanks. I'm using Fox Farm nutes for this 2nd grow (big bloom, tiger bloom, cha-ching, open sesame). I have four pots and was planning to do a nute experiment (fox farm on the first, GH nutes on 2nd, Canna or Botanicaire for the 3rd, and the 4th will be a control (no...
  17. S

    secret to fat buds

    Hi guys. This is a typical plant of mine which is almost done flowering (around two months). This one is a straggler from my first grow. The other plants in the pic are just starting flowering. What I want to know is why are my buds not getting fat? My yield was pretty low for the first grow...
  18. S

    Ready to harvest? pics

    Ok, thanks guys. The reason I waited so long is the buds were tiny and I couldn't find the reason until I got the Son Agro bulb and realized it was the crummy HPS bulb from htgsupply. So in a sense they've only been flowering under good conditions for a month. The buds were practically...
  19. S

    Ready to harvest? pics

    Do you think these are ready for harvest? If not, how long would you wait? They have been flowering for a long time (almost 4 months) but the buds only started to fill out about a month ago when I switched the funky HPS bulb that came with a budget system from htgsupply with a Son Agro bulb. TIA
  20. S

    Help - 2 months into flowering, tiny buds - pics

    Sativa strains take over 100 days to flower. Assuming your giving them what they need to grow just give them more time. Thanks Puff. You are in the minority but I'm putting my faith in you cuz I don't have a choice: :wink: