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  1. M

    Please Help!!! Newbie Rapid Rooter/Hydroton Question

    thanks guys my grow room won't be ready until the weekend but my babies gotta come outta the cloner but one more question, how often should I water them one or twice a day?? (and by water I mean, place inside another cup of water for about 20 mins and let the roots soak up what they need; for...
  2. M

    Please Help!!! Newbie Rapid Rooter/Hydroton Question

    Hey Family i got a quick question i have some nice healthy clones Placed in rapid rooter plugs and wanted to know if i could just simply place some hydroton inside some solo cups with some drain holes in the bottom (like i did with the soil) until they get a lil bit taller then place them in...
  3. M

    can my clones root looking like this???

    Yea i'm sorry I left that part out I just took the flick when I was misting it so the dome is not on
  4. M

    can my clones root looking like this???

    I first cut my Babys about 5 days ago Im using clonex gel and rapid root growing under 24hr florescent lights and i'm also using a heating mat, the first day after I cut them I only misted once but every since then I've been misting twice a day please help me are my plants going to root? Is the...
  5. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    He got the seeds from a store in Windsor Ontario, Canada right by the ambassador bridge going to Detroit I don't know the name of the store tho sorry Bro
  6. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    Ok guys thank you so much for all the info but I still have one question is it too late to try and save em or are there any special nutrients or anything I need to do to help em bounce back
  7. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    YEA iT SURE IS!! My buddy told me that's what it was is that a good strain?
  8. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    I haven't spayed since Saturday should I be spraying a couple times a day?
  9. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    Ok i'm sorry I now realize I didn't leave any info ok I'm using rapid root with clonex gel, a growing tray, a heating mat, under 24hr florescent lights the water is Ph balanced and has SuperTrive in it
  10. M

    Please Help!!! My Clones Are Dying!!!

    This is my first time cloning I cut them on Saturday night and from the way they are looking they are dying please help me I don't have a clue what to do thank you fellow growers
  11. M

    please help me, it's been 2 weeks and my seeds won't grow!!!

    The temp is around 85 degrees
  12. M

    please help me, it's been 2 weeks and my seeds won't grow!!!

    The are about a inch or so deep and I only watered them when the rupp was a lil crusty which was like twice a day. It's been almost 2 weeks us it possible to digg em up and try again??
  13. M

    please help me, it's been 2 weeks and my seeds won't grow!!!

    I planted my jack horror seeds almost 2 weeks ago and I still don't see anything at all. I kno it's probably to late to save em but I just want to kno wat I did wrong. I'm growing under fluorescent lights with jump start grow pellets inside of a greenhouse and a heating pad.I didn't geminate the...
  14. M

    Please help seeds won't germinate............ I don't kno what to do!!!!!

    Well the question is will the seeds even be able to germinate now after a week of being damp and on a heating pad?
  15. M

    Please help seeds won't germinate............ I don't kno what to do!!!!!

    Ok this is my first grow EVER!!! And I'm still learning everyday and I kno this its probably a dumb question but here I go....... A week ago I planted my seeds in spongepots and starter soil in my homemade propagater and placed them on a heating mat in the inside of my closet (with no light...
  16. M

    Lighting Question. Please I Really Need Some Help!

    Ok well how many plants should you use with the 1000w lighting system ???
  17. M

    Lighting Question. Please I Really Need Some Help!

    I'm brand new to hydroponics, will one 1000w lighting system light cover this whole hydro system: