can my clones root looking like this???

I first cut my Babys about 5 days ago Im using clonex gel and rapid root growing under 24hr florescent lights and i'm also using a heating mat, the first day after I cut them I only misted once but every since then I've been misting twice a day please help me are my plants going to root? Is the way they look normal?? Is there something else I should be doing?? Any help would be greatly appreciated this is my first grow thank you



Well-Known Member
They don't need 24/0 light when rooting your cuttings.
18/0 on the shady side of your mother plant.


Well-Known Member
you can save a couple of them probably the ones on the left but once they get brownish or slimy there done for. i would try ditching the heat mat and dont spray the leaves directly water just sits on the leaves and rots the cuttings


Well-Known Member
they can, but the possibility of it happening are slim. Toss em and start over, you don't want clones that have been compromised anyway. You want nice healthy strong clones.


Well-Known Member
they can, but the possibility of it happening are slim. Toss em and start over, you don't want clones that have been compromised anyway. You want nice healthy strong clones.
yeah hes got a point if you can afford to... scrap them if they get fuc*ed up like that theyll probaably have to take hella time recovering just try again (i know some people cant just do that at times but its what you SHOULD do.)