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  1. Soggywaffle

    How much will I yeild?

    A quick thought, which could hurt your chances of a decent yield. You could unknowingly be raising a boy.
  2. Soggywaffle

    First Grow, Kinda Outa Hard

    Me either!
  3. Soggywaffle

    Lighting and what I've found

    After much deliberation I decided to continue to flower under mh lights. I know the debate between quantity and quality so on and so forth, and decided that the line was to grey to justify another lighting purchase. So here's what I've got. Two mh lights 400w each. Cfl underlighting. With the mh...
  4. Soggywaffle

    Just Another Newb with Hydro

    Also on first grow, also hydro, also tend to overthink everything. The only thing I can recommend is that you watch how many you start off with, and how big you let them get. I ended up with three fems out of 4 seedlings. I let them veg for a bit to long, and now it looks as if I'll have more...
  5. Soggywaffle

    First Grow, Kinda Outa Hard

    Yeah there are a few that needed to be tied up, the pics were taken the day after another round of pinching. The big bud was a good 4" from one of the lights. I had it tied down for a while and the other colas shot up quick, now they have a hard time supporting the weight. In hindsight I should...
  6. Soggywaffle

    New Grow First Time

    Cfl's can get hot, hot enough to burn (learned the hard way) keep them about 3" at closest IMO. Also with the timing question you could slowly cut back over a few days. Day one 23/1 day two 22/2 and so on. As was said before trial and error is the best way to learn but allot of trial and error...
  7. Soggywaffle

    hey first grow bag seed is it a guy?

    Look at the balls on that guy! Sorry for the loss.
  8. Soggywaffle

    First Grow, Kinda Outa Hard

    Damn I knew I would forget something. Currently they just entered week 6, unless I get signs that they are ready sooner I'm looking at another 4-5 weeks before harvest. It's that delicate balance between to soon and to late.
  9. Soggywaffle

    First Grow, Kinda Outa Hard

    Ok I'll start off by telling you a bit about myself, first time growing (for real(not the seeds we all planted in highschool)). I have a tendency to go off the deep end when I get into something. There is no getting my feet wet what so ever. So I came across RIU and read, read and read some...