First Grow, Kinda Outa Hard


Ok I'll start off by telling you a bit about myself, first time growing (for real(not the seeds we all planted in highschool)). I have a tendency to go off the deep end when I get into something. There is no getting my feet wet what so ever. So I came across RIU and read, read and read some more. Thanks all for the insight and helping me learn from all the mistakes that have been made. It certainly helps the n00b make informed decisions, and have success the first time around.

With that said here's the grow. I started out with a clone that was taken from a single leaf, I now have 87 plants and am looking to harvest 72,825 lbs form the first yield...I'd post pics but I have no camera nor do I know anyone with one...

Ok obviously Thats bullshit! Here's what I really have. I started 10 seeds (bag seed) 4 took. Started with those soil pucks, then moved into a homemade hydro system. Which quickly outgrew the original setup. After I started 12/12 only one male! Alls good, cut him down and rearranged the girls so they had more room. From what I can tell they are mostly sativa (what I wanted anyway) so I'm happy. They grew quick and tall which resulted in pinching (lots of pinching). Lighting has a few upgrades along the way but the final result is 800w mh and 4 100w equivalent cfl (for under light) running ferts from technaflora. And they seem happy. If I can figure out how to post pics from the phone I'll do so. Any thoughts /comments would be greatly appreciated.

A lot of advice here works for some people and not so much for others, but you can always tell by how well your plans are growing, and by looking at your photographs, you're doing spot on. They seem to have grown superbly and are budding nicely. how long have you been flowering them and when do you plan on harvesting?

well done.


Damn I knew I would forget something. Currently they just entered week 6, unless I get signs that they are ready sooner I'm looking at another 4-5 weeks before harvest. It's that delicate balance between to soon and to late.


Active Member
Looks like a jungle That big bud on the back wall you need to lasso and pull that bitch back down into the light.

lol those other 2 buds you might have to tie up, so they don't topple under their own weight "well played sir!".


Yeah there are a few that needed to be tied up, the pics were taken the day after another round of pinching. The big bud was a good 4" from one of the lights. I had it tied down for a while and the other colas shot up quick, now they have a hard time supporting the weight. In hindsight I should have used a stronger fan.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a jungle That big bud on the back wall you need to lasso and pull that bitch back down into the light.

lol those other 2 buds you might have to tie up, so they don't topple under their own weight "well played sir!".
lol at lassoing that bitch, just had to do the same thing to 1 of mine