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  1. blackdog


    you couldn't of tied them up? or did they snap? close, and that's when things usually fucks up...right at the end. Well some early smoke.
  2. blackdog

    when to start counting?

    I think I 'll just wait for the movie, after 23 yrs I still haven't finished it.
  3. blackdog

    when to start counting?

    Well one thing I know, 1. We're all passionate about growing. and 2. there is ALWAYS other ways of doing things and if they work for you then rock on....if you don't know, ask. Sometimes you have to trust the knowledge you learn and do it one here is going to grow it for you. The...
  4. blackdog

    can anyone tell me what i have going on here?

    If you want to grow bag weed go ahead, it's been done in past decades don't see any reason it wouldn't be alright now. Peace
  5. blackdog

    Crazy looking bug.

    this is when you need this book.
  6. blackdog

    Pot size determining yield and overall size? Thinking on this hardcore...

    size will be determined by light, water, soil, nutrients, air. Each play a role in the development of your plant. Your growth will be determined by the all these working at the same time. Your growth will be as strong as your weakest that;s why it's important to get these working all...
  7. blackdog

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Looks like it just big enough...that'll put you in some smoke for a little while.
  8. blackdog

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Yeah it's in a 10 gal smart pot, I think I should of used at least a 20-25 gal. The thing with smart pots is that they air prune your roots so they dont' get rootbound...I think a bigger bag would of been better because I have to water that everyday.
  9. blackdog

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Garden Boss, living up to the name for sure. Beautiful garden...that's what I'm shooting for, when you live in California that's the only way to grow. I'm on an acre so I think i'll be able to do a full size garden. How are you growing those?...and how much Water do you have to give them?
  10. blackdog

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    I went through that with mine this year, I put them out to early and they flowered. I did a lot of pruning and thinning out. I hate when you get the spaghetti branches. Your better off just pruning all the funky growth off all the way to where it's growing normally. Here's a couple pics of some...
  11. blackdog

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    This year has been pretty good, I have some White Russian, Frisian Dew, Caramel Ice, Super Bud and Toxic Punch all growing outdoors. Been in flowering for about 2 weeks, all look to be healthy. This year has been a experiment of sorts. I planted my crop in Boxes, Smart Pots, Plastic Containers...
  12. blackdog

    hey guys, been awhile... started a small CFL grow

    Those don't look bad at all. That drooping is what all my seedling have looked like. It's small so it won't need much nutes.....weak doses. Once that starts growing it'll be worries....don't kill her with kindness. Good luck
  13. blackdog

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    You would be good with 4 under each light too. Don't know how much room you'll be working with but I would say 4. I have a couple of 1000 watt switchable systems. You'll have some good production with those...good luck
  14. blackdog

    reintroducing myself

    Thanks bigbillyrocka, I've been out growing and trying to get things down....didn't think my account would still work. This sight has a lot of knowledgeable growers and look forward to interacting with you all. I was a member of another forum that had a good proactive stoned and...
  15. blackdog

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    use it at night, the active ingredient breaks down in the sun...then you'll make sure the little bastards eat it
  16. blackdog

    reintroducing myself

    Hello, from California. I'm Blackdog and I haven't been on here for awhile so I thought I would reach out to the community and say Hi to everyone. I'm a Outdoor Medical Grower, been doing it for awhile but I'm always like learning something new and keeping up on others techniques. Looking...
  17. blackdog

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    Thanks spek9, It's been a struggle this year. I put them out to early and had to deal with the regeneration issues and pruning off all the crap that left...I think I'll be alright now. Are you growing this year? I've talked to a few Canadian growers and they've been having some problems with the...
  18. blackdog

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    Well indoor is another set of issues. The container size is one thing but the other is you lights, if you want big yields. What is your setup going to be indoors? That would help to answer some of your questions. looking forward to seeing your grow.
  19. blackdog

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    well I have a white Russian in a 10 gal smart pot I looks like it might be close. I have a few others that are in 10-15 gal pots but I don't think I'll get that much off those. The ones in the ground and boxes are going to be heavy...I hope. So to answer your question...I think you'll be able...
  20. blackdog

    hey guys, been awhile... started a small CFL grow

    It's kinda hard to tell what's going on without knowing what they look like. Pictures say a 1000 words. What size container are you using? and how much water do you use when you water? Maybe the light isn't strong enough? Post pics.