Pot size determining yield and overall size? Thinking on this hardcore...


Well-Known Member
Recently I've noticed by using my 3 gal pots (about 2-2.5 of it soil) my plants get about 3-4 feet overall in length by the time its put on the chop block, not much time in veg, don't know exactly... Maybe getting an oz or more off each, recently after being disappointed by yield and getting to thinking, I've concluded i need to get them into bigger pots.

So i just put a clone in a 10 gallon tub with holes on the bottom for drain, and got about 9 gallons of soil in there if i had to guess?

I'm assuming the larger, the better, because bigger pot = bigger plant. After so much though the shit gets REALLY heavy and hard to move.

Was wondering how large you guys go, and how much your yielding as far as per gallon goes? Should I expect 3x the bud from this plant since its in a container 3x the size? I know I'll need to veg her out a while to get those roots all over in the bin.

Whats the largest size container that you indoor guys like me use, and how crazy do your plants go?

This also got me to thinking it might be more worth while/ less legal trouble (if caught) to limit my numbers as much as possible.

After all as it is now (technically a 2nd degree F) if i reduce numbers, and just grow bigger trees, I can def keep my stuff to a 3rd degree, and might even have better results? gotta try it to know.

Going to extreme, I could technically make my flower room that's about 4x5x8 into a GIANT pot (that i will not be able to move singularly) will have to move soil in put in plant, chop after grow/ tie down as necessary, then remove dirt after harvest. I mean what is possible that is not so excessive that it wastes time/money? I mean I could see 30-50 gallons, maybe 100, but i mean at what point is it just crazy? I see the outdoors stuff get so massive and huge I'd love to duplicate it inside im also assuming to use all the soil a LONG ass veg will have to take place, I mean if one had a 200 gallon box, threw one effing plant into it, to veg it to the limit I'd assume would take a fucking year, maybe more? But because outdoor plants go with the sun/times I assume you could also veg and grow a plant indoor's with no real limit to how large you could make it?

Imagine a plant vegged for 2 years, in a pot the size of a small room, under HID's, The yield im sure would be nothing short of spectacular! I mean main colas the girth of watermelons and shit! Maybe I need to slow down on the drugs, and divert my attention to something else before my head explodes... lmfao! I mean shit, you could break world records?



Active Member
Can't go wrong with larger pots. I have mine in 7 gal pots and vegged for little over a month. My plants are now 2 1/2 months old from clone, stand over 6' tall and still have 6 weeks left to flower. So yeah, bigger pots :)


Active Member
One added thing, pot shape has a lot to do with it as well. Roots like to grow downward, the reason is because the top layers of soil dry out the quickest (exposure to air, light, etc.) so there is more moisture toward the bottom of the pot, or ground for outdoor growers. When it rains or when you top feed your plants the water will soak the surface and sink deep down into the soil. If roots grew out horizontally the plant will get a lot of water on initial rainfall but will have nothing left to feed on when that layer of soil dries. If you have deep containers your plants will constantly be feeding on nutrient rich moist soil that lays in the bottom of your container. This is also why you see farmers plough their fields before each new crop.


Active Member
Btw I've also been thinking of one massive plant that would live in something similar to a small aircraft hanger that can be wheeled out during the day and moved back inside at night to veg under roughly 50,000 watts. I would veg it for no less than 20 years and it would grow in the bed of a dump truck. I'd call it the tree of life and I'd eat my lunch under it everyday in a hammock that hangs from it's lovely branches.....then after 20 years I'd find out, it's a male :(

Haven't seen you in the forums in a while man, how's your grow going?


Well-Known Member
size will be determined by light, water, soil, nutrients, air. Each play a role in the development of your plant. Your growth will be determined by the all these working at the same time. Your growth will be as strong as your weakest link...so that;s why it's important to get these working all together.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add that a taller-thinner pot has the advantage over
a shorter-fatter pot of having more soil above the Perched Water Table.

Basically the height that capillary action can lift water against the
force of gravity is not affected by the width of the pot.

Soil below the PWT is anoxic.

...seems to make sense. :0)

Good luck,



Active Member
Biger and heAltheir roots=bigger better fruits. Its not neccesarily the bigger plant but bigger root mass. I lst and supper crop my plants there not tall but bushy even cannopy witb a huge rootmass


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would throw this in, my last run I tried an experiment and had 11 plants sharing 2 gallons of dirt in 1 pot.. I had to increase transpiration, raise temps and ventilation. Keeping etc/ppm right below point of burning and foliar feeding 3 times a day to get all the nutes.. ended up yielding bout a lb..but ended up with 8 plants. Did a 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
3 gallon pot , 2 oz average 8 weeks veg from total, including the time from a clone bucket , so total would be 3 feet tall or so . learn to super crop, makes a HUGE difference


Well-Known Member
was gona say 2 months veg. 3 feet tall from veg total heing after flower 6 feet or more 10 to 16 ounces. 20 gallon pot inside.


Active Member
The age-old "standard" is about 1 gallon of soil for every foot of plant at completion. When I have grown in soil I have always used a 5-gallon bucket and finished them around 3-4 feet.


Well-Known Member
Btw I've also been thinking of one massive plant that would live in something similar to a small aircraft hanger that can be wheeled out during the day and moved back inside at night to veg under roughly 50,000 watts. I would veg it for no less than 20 years and it would grow in the bed of a dump truck. I'd call it the tree of life and I'd eat my lunch under it everyday in a hammock that hangs from it's lovely branches.....then after 20 years I'd find out, it's a male :(

Haven't seen you in the forums in a while man, how's your grow going?
After the last 6 got chopped shortly after noticing spider mites lol, soap and water killed a few of the others i sprayed, will not be doing that shit again. Got like 5 in flower that are still looking ok, and my clones are coming along in cups. Put the healthiest looking clone into the 10 gal tub i been talking about, and cant wait to see how much bigger it gets than the others. lol