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  1. F

    FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil draining too fast!

    Hello, I just switched to FoxFarms ocean forest soil mix and i noticed that the water is draining through the soil to the bottom after just a cup of water, in a 5 gallon pot. The soil i had previously used to take atleast 2 gallons before i saw drainage.. Am I suppse to add something to...
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    What is the easiest way to make hash out of buds?

    i just waisted an entire harvest do to over drying. it got brittle to the point of no return and im NOT looking into rehydrating.. whats the simplest, cleanest way of making these waisted buds into some hash? i have a few ounces worth... thank you
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    Just Harvested, Question About Drying

    :weed: Hey guys, I just harvested and am now drying the manicured buds by hanging them in a ventilated cardboard box. Due to the high temperature of the growbox (85+), the buds were fairly airy and slightly dry to the touch at the time of harvest. My question is, Should I still let them hang...
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    Did my plant go hermie or somethin? HELP!

    chronic is a weed stumulant mutant species. they tend to mutate after a few harvests. its best to kill the plants before they become a threat.
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    Question about Drying/Harvesting

    hello, i am on my way to harvest soon and wanted to know if i have to remove any and all dead or yellowing leaves before i let it hang and dry? or can i harvest them, let it dry and then remove all or any yellow dead leaves as they dry up and are easier to remove? i have a lot of yellowing...
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    9th Week of Flowering and bud leaves are turning yellow... Help!

    hello, i know leaves turning yellow are normal coming close to harvest but literally all leaves, (fan leaves and bud leaves), are turning yellow. and the reason i am worried is because i heard all dead or dying leaves must be fully removed or it will cause mold!? Should i harvest now...
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    Yellow leaves with blackish dots help needed

    you just answered your question. you havent fed them for over a month. looks like they are starting to get hungry. yellowing is usuallly a cause of nitrogen/potassium deficiency. start feeding them at 1/4 strength and increase in the next weeks. its gonna need more nitrogen when you get into...
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    flowering plant and leaves dried over night

    maybe temps are too high and humidity is too low. high temps can usually dry it out but that doesnt explain why your soil is still wet.. are you growing that thing inside your computer?!
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    HELP! Bud Leaves are turning yellow! 9th Week of flowering, and still not done..

    im waiting for the buds to ripen. the strain is sour d and usually takes 10-12 weeks.. plus my plants might take a little longer becuaee of high temps. and nute deficiency.
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    HELP! Bud Leaves are turning yellow! 9th Week of flowering, and still not done..

    The title says it all, 9th week and i think i have a couple more to go. I stopped nutes a couple weeks ago thinking it would be ready at week 10. But now, all the leaves including the actual bud leaves ate dying and turning yellow. Since they havent had nutes for awhile now, i know the...
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    9th Week Flowering S.D. - Dried/Dying/Yellowing Leaves Everywhere

    Hello, This is my 1st grow and i am on my 9th week flowering sour d. which is usuallly a 10wk strain? anywayz, all of my leaves have started turning yelllow and Dying, as well as the leaves growing from the buds. now i heard this was normal but am i suppose to get each entire dying...
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    Which Setup would Produce Higher Yeild?

    Given the same conditions, 6x4 sq. ft., soil medium, 2x600watts... Which would produce a higher yeild over all? few plants, less space, 5-6, super cropped and bushed out or more plants, 12-14, maybe topped once Im trying so see which would be best for the size of my flower...
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    6 Weeks into Flower - 50% Leaves yellowing falling off...

    Okay, so the title explains it all... * Ive been having some nitrogen deficiency issues throughout my* flowering but I am now experiencing the worst of it, with almost half of my leaves on each plant are yellowing and starting to fall off.. Now These issues are a result of lack of nitrogen I...
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    Nute Burn and N Deficiency ?

    ReadyGro by botanicare
  15. F

    Nute Burn and N Deficiency ?

    Hello, Right now my ladies arent doing so well. About 3 weeks into flower and i am seeing yellowing of leaves as well as burning of some leaves. Here's my issues: Ive been using my nutes incorrectly. I used to feed in every watering (nute burn), and been applying the nutes as if it were still...
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    First FIM and so far nada

    sorry bro im at work and am only on my iphone, i wouldve sent a pic and drew a line where you should make the cut, but ur doing good tho! keep at it and you will get it.
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    First FIM and so far nada

    honestly, just top the your plant twice ( first top getting you two, and top those tops again giving you four ) and the. SuperCrop those bad boys,... errr or girls in our case Haha! super cropping might be slightly stressfull but works wonders if you want a bush. so by having multiple tops you...
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    First FIM and so far nada

    my first attempt with two plants, i was only successful with 1 which ended up with 4 tops while the other only had two. you seem to be doing it right but the real technique is to seperate the most inner leaves, within the newest growth, and "scrape off" the tiny little shoot that is starting to...
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    How much will a 6' plant yeild?

    i was wondering if anyone knows aproxiamately how much a 6 foot plant will yeild in considering it was supercropped once and has a lot of branches serving as tops and is only 1 week in to flowering. procrastinated on switching to 12/12 so she got pretty big. dont know how much more she will...
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    Taking Clones from Stunted/Weak Plant? Is it possible?

    my first attempt at clones were successfull, 7 out of 7 rooted and are now growing lushishly. why? because i listened to the people above.. kept it simple.. actually i was pretty neglegent with them being so busy and all, i didnt even rewater the rockwool until after a whole week with dome...