Yellow leaves with blackish dots help needed


Hey guys whats up ? I have 2 super skunks(feminised) growing in a greenhouse , they are around 2 months old now and about 5 feet tall . They are still veg'ing . I water them nearly every second day or they get a small amount each day . I gave them too much nutes about a month ago and one of the them got baddly burned , he recovered tho .I haven't given them any nutes since. they are planted in vermiculite and pertile with tomato soil . In the past week their leaves have started going yellow and now some have the black dots , does anyone know what is causing this ? Il put pictures up too



you just answered your question.

you havent fed them for over a month.

looks like they are starting to get hungry. yellowing is usuallly a cause of nitrogen/potassium deficiency. start feeding them at 1/4 strength and increase in the next weeks. its gonna need more nitrogen when you get into flowering.

also you want to start fixing this issue now since you dont want to lose those precious fan leaves over time.

i was in the same boat, overfed on my 1st grow.

next time you have nute burn, just flush or leach it and it should clear the soil of nutes


Well-Known Member
I dont like this watering every day or second day, i get every three days if i cut my soil with a lot of perlite but thats the best i can do and too be honest i shoot for watering every 4/5 days on average so cut my soil accordingly.

What gives with this watering every day or everyother day? Surely this cant be good for a soil grow? Peace