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  1. Lucky81

    Need Help! Ca Mmj Compliant! Apartment Inspection!

    Snow you make a hell of a point. I will fight for freedom and i agree it is my right to do this. Im legal and im not destroying the apartment at all. I pay my rent on time and they have no right to look in my tent. Im worried about my kids and the fact that where i live people do home...
  2. Lucky81

    Need Help! Ca Mmj Compliant! Apartment Inspection!

    Oh ya my inspection is friday. And it says in my lease i cannot break any state or federal laws.. DAMMMMMMM!!
  3. Lucky81

    Need Help! Ca Mmj Compliant! Apartment Inspection!

    So heres my problem..Live and grow in my apartment. Grow in my master BR. Have a cabinet in my kitchen set up for clones/sprouts etc. In Master BR..1 4x4x7 hydrohut with 9 plants about 10 days to chop...secret jardin 2.5 x 2.5... with 13 veg my kitchen cab i got 16 sprouts like 5"...
  4. Lucky81

    I hate spider mites!! Advice PLEASE!!

    Are you using this as a preventive spray or just when you get infested?
  5. Lucky81

    I hate spider mites!! Advice PLEASE!!

    Got a couple clones from my neighborhood dispensary couple weeks ago.. i repotted em and they finally are starting to grow. Theyve put on a couple sets of leaves and are looking good now but now i look closely... Found a small web and you know the rest. I have them in a Secret Jardin...
  6. Lucky81

    How safe is a apartment grow?

    I got a 4 x 4 with a 600 hps, and a 2.5 x 2.5 with cfls in my master BR. just a small single story. I have two thick black noise/light cancelling curtains for my window, and i have 2 carbon filters. I really dont care tho im legal and the worst thing they can do is boot me off my lease and...
  7. Lucky81

    Picked up some GDP babies at the disp.!

    Personally have never had GDP..Got some superkush along with them tho!!
  8. Lucky81

    Picked up some GDP babies at the disp.!

    got a discount cuz they look like they need some love. Check it..
  9. Lucky81

    Anyone use advanced nutrients overdrive?

    Ill have to check those out...i was gravity one to look into..expensive hobby isnt it
  10. Lucky81

    Anyone use advanced nutrients overdrive?

    I was told the 1% nitrate nitrogen in the OD is what the plant needs at weeks 5 and 6 to make them really swell...makes sense as they do need nitrogen during flower...we shall see the results!
  11. Lucky81

    Help w/ Fox Farms Trio nutrient guide

    imo..dont feed them anything but water and a dash of superthrive for like 2 weeks..they should have plenty of nutes in the soil to last that long..
  12. Lucky81

    Anyone use advanced nutrients overdrive?

    Im going to start this week..suggestions anyone? its going with my usual GH 3 part. heres a pic of my flower setup.. Blue cheese, Casey jones, SilverChemdawg..
  13. Lucky81

    Precautionary odor control questions

    htg supply friggin sucks. try and duct tape the crap out of all your connections and look for leaks.
  14. Lucky81

    Precautionary odor control questions

    all mj plants smell... even in veg they smell of "fresh mj". You better go with cfls or a 150 if you plan on doing this without ducting. Problem with closets is the air just sits in there and goes doesnt matter how many plants you grow. If your worried about smell get either an...
  15. Lucky81

    First Grow Room Tent 2' x 2' x 4'

    check this out..cheapest i found. or you could just use your closet and forget the tent. just pull from outside the closet and vent the air completly out of the closet/room...
  16. Lucky81

    First Grow Room Tent 2' x 2' x 4'

    Ive never heard of that brand..and i havent used an htg either. I used to have 2 of their 400w hps magnetic ballast setups..they worked but were poor quality. The ballast was hardwired to the crappy reflector and i was not impressed. hydrohuts the way to go imo if you got the cash. my 4 x 4...
  17. Lucky81

    Quick Germination Question

    No paper towels in nature and they germ just fine. Its just nice to see your bean crack.
  18. Lucky81

    First Grow Room Tent 2' x 2' x 4'

    As far as the tent goes..dont go cheap. Ive used 3 diff ones now and hydrohut is the best. if you go with one of the knockoff tents the zippers will break, and they rip easy. Secret Jardin makes a nice tent too....good luck
  19. Lucky81

    Sad Alien OG plants in critical condition

    imo get foxfarm soil for a few more bucks and dont worry about ph so much in out with too much superthrive(i rely on that shit myself)..MG is bad news... just dont feed for like a week until they look healthy again...
  20. Lucky81

    Cloneing question

    first step would be google