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  1. Matty Midway

    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    azamax. use it
  2. Matty Midway

    Having a bug problem

    Azamax. Use it. That bug looks a bit like a Spidermite. God help you if it is. Azamax will kill just about anything. Except your plant of course. And its cheap. Good luck man
  3. Matty Midway

    Identify this bug please!!!!

    If you ever have a thought even close to the word "Infestation" get yourself some Azamax. That shit will roast anything and it can be applied as a drench or foliar. Plus it wont hurt your plant. good luck. hope it helps
  4. Matty Midway

    Please help! My babies are dying! Please help or all will be dead!

    Pics would help. Did you crack the vents a little at a time? Was the water in the tray cold at first? Was the light on 24/0?
  5. Matty Midway

    Time to flower, questions.

    IMO: I would say that's going to be your best option. (tying down) Topping now could create some serious issues. You don't want to stress the plant anymore than need be.
  6. Matty Midway

    Short stocky plants

    I have similar probs with mine. Just as dude said though Patience is key. When their this young its all about waiting and proper care. If you rush it, your almost certainly going to hate yourself later. These shorter stockier ones tend to be the ones with the thickest shoots and stems...
  7. Matty Midway

    clumps of tiny white dots on my leaves

    Azamax. That shit cures any infestation, which is what looks like you may be facing. If its spidermites keep your fingers crossed and pray. Those fuckers are ruthless. Good Luck
  8. Matty Midway

    3 plants in one 5 gallon pot willl this work?

    Absolutely not man. They'll choke each other. Would you want to stand in a Phone Booth with two other dudes? just sayin.
  9. Matty Midway

    Spidermites all over roots in aeroponics

    AZAMAX ... worked for me. i went through the same shit. Good Luck Homes
  10. Matty Midway

    top heavy plants

    Shit man, I'd use some wooden Surveyors stakes and some shoelaces. If their taller than the stakes try supporting them from the ceiling with strings or against one another. This can block light from leaves but natural support is better than nothing.
  11. Matty Midway

    Man somebody please help!!!...i need to know wats sup with this plant

    Also for your Humidity, higher is better in the beginning. Once you get into your final medium and are heading towords your "veg" state keep it around 60%. Thats your golden number. No less than 50% and no more than 70% all the way through to the end. Temp is also key. 75 F at the plants...
  12. Matty Midway

    Man somebody please help!!!...i need to know wats sup with this plant

    Honestly if they drooped when the lights went out they are trying to tell you something. I run 24's until they're around 16" tall. As i said, I start in the flexi plugs. Once their rooted i Transplant into the 16oz Styrefoam cups. Give them a week to get used to their new home with...
  13. Matty Midway

    little help plz

    DO NOT JUST PULL IT OFF! you may do more harm than good. I would def get it off because its just sucking valuable nuts from the soil due to the plant trying to fix itself. Grab the stem of the leaf at its base and twist it between your fingers until it pops off. one good twist in the same...
  14. Matty Midway

    Man somebody please help!!!...i need to know wats sup with this plant

    The watering aspect should be one of your main concerns. Watering when they need it is key. If the dirt looks dry and the cups feel light then its time to water. The plant looks great. The first 36-48 hrs of germ is key. Try getting yourself some flexiplugs, tray of 50 slots, Water...