3 plants in one 5 gallon pot willl this work?


Active Member
Okay so I got 3 little sprouts sharing one 5 gallon pot has anyone done this before will this work?Will I be able to cut down the males without their roots rooting and rooting the females?

also one more ? Has anybody ever seen some little red crawler bugs in your soil their at least twice the size of a ant and their red and they like crawl anybody know what these are?


Active Member
Naw brah. competition for nutes and space would create bind in the root system of ALL the plants in that situation.IMO.

i couldnt say without a pic..maybe some kind of centipede? if theres some unseen huge chunk of wood in your medium you could have an infestation of something uncommon. just a guess.


Active Member
I always say no to same pot but my buddy showed me a book where the author grew 3 pots and compared harvests. One pot he left alone to grow naturally. One he LSTed. and the last he put 3 seeds in the same pot (all 5 gallon buckets). Now the 3 plant one did produce the most bud but the LST was a close second. So if you got room separate them. If not I say screw all the naysayer and go for it. Maybe pull the worst of the 3 if you cant up the pot size. I'd state the book by title but I can't get a hold of my buddy right now but I believe it was something by good old Ed.
Absolutely not man. They'll choke each other. Would you want to stand in a Phone Booth with two other dudes? just sayin.


Well-Known Member
If they are lil an your running em in 12/12 from a young age it should be ok.
Seen LOTS of scrogs like this.

But 3 big plants in there could make issues with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Like scar said only if you keep them small and flower early all of my girls are wider than the 5 gal buckets they are in and they are only a month old and a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
And this is one plant in one bucket, so dont go thinking three will get you more.

If one dies you will never get the roots out and the roots will rot killing all your other plants.

If one is a male it will pollinate everything and again you wont get the roots out.

If one if a Herm it will pollinate everything and you wont get the roots out.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who grows in rubbermaids and puts 4 plants in each and he gets good yields. It works fine for him, however I wouldn't recommend it. I would be too worried that the root masses from each plant could grow at different rates and that you could end up with one plant with a massive root mass and the others struggling and fighting for space.

The Oaksterdam University official course book shows 3 pots. One pot had a single plant, another had a single plant but was topped, and the third pot had 3 plants in it. To my surprise the pot with multiple plants yielded the best. Second place was the topped plant and third place was the untopped plant. *note* this book is written by Ed Rosenthal who I'm sure is a good grower but I've also read a lot of his advice that I do not agree with. He's still better than that dumb shit Jorge Cervantes though

In your situation you really should use separate pots. You said "sprouts" which leads me to believe that you're starting from seed and not from clones. This means that you don't know which ones will be male and which will be female. What you don't want to do is have a male or two in the mix alongside your female.

Green Giant84

Active Member
It can b done. If u don't care about your plants and u don't mind wasting your time. Go for it!!!!

But I'm with Jim. DON'T DO IT!!!


Well-Known Member
hobbes puts 2-3 plants in a pot at a time with no problems, just individual preference at the end of the day isnt it?
some people can and do others cant and dont. why not try 2 or 3 plants in 1 pot and see how it works out for you? if you dont like the results then just go back to 1 plant 1 pot next time


Active Member
lol i cant stop now i all ready got the 3 sprouts in the pot. I dont have enough light to light 3 pots thats why i put them all in 1 pot and figures it be easy to light them all only problem is if i have a male or hermie you say the roots will root?i wont be able to pull the whole plant and roots of a male palnts in 1 of them is male?

if 1 of the plants is male cant i just pull it out of the soil roots and all??


Well-Known Member
lol i cant stop now i all ready got the 3 sprouts in the pot. I dont have enough light to light 3 pots thats why i put them all in 1 pot and figures it be easy to light them all only problem is if i have a male or hermie you say the roots will root?i wont be able to pull the whole plant and roots of a male palnts in 1 of them is male?

if 1 of the plants is male cant i just pull it out of the soil roots and all??
Just transplant them into 3 smaller pots instead 1 large pot. 2 gallon pots are small and can support a nice sized plant. Don't mess with the root system. The root system is the heart of the plant. All 3 of your plants will most likely have intertwined roots so you would be hurting all of the plants if you pulled the roots of one out. If you decide to keep 3 in the same pot and 1 ends up being male or hermie, just cut it off at the base and add an enzyme like hygrozyme or cannazyme to breakdown the dead root mass of the pulled plant. Your best bet is to carefully repot into separate containers now while you still can.