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  1. Diesel Wreck

    Revegged mess! Pruning Advice?

    hey peeps- i have a big old trainwreck cross that i threw outside way early, it partially flowered in april (oops), sat there doing nothing for all of may, and a few weeks ago began new vegetative growth. "bushy" does not begin to describe the new growth! it's like every little sucker-bud...
  2. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    yee bro, well i'll still count his vote that the plants'll be just fine. this thread turned out worthwhile for that and me wrapping my head around the difference between this and a bunch of men sitting around a table!
  3. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    whats happenin folks? the guy who gave me the GDP clones mar24 came by with a trainwreck mom and greatly eased my mind about the preflowering situation outside, he said basically the same thing as serapis, also blessed me with a nice sample from the gdps, which was like 80% purple and greatly...
  4. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    thx i really would like an idea of what to expect here. my bad for not having a super-close-up of the preflowers, because they're not nearly as developed as on the clones from the same batch inside so i know the plants are no longer flowering. i had a local friend tell me april 15 was considered...
  5. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    thank you serapis, i'll be sure to spread that hot tip all over the board. good work you guys do
  6. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    agreed, that post went up out of sequence for some reason. i think i have a better perspective on how to try and get anything out of this place now. sorry if i irritated anybody who's NOT full of isht ;)
  7. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    after i got over being irritated by your shit-talking (impressive btw, who's acting 12?) the realization came that my poor impression of RIU may be due to the fact that i'm not very familiar with online bulletin boards. i was being serious when i asked about newer members getting fewer answers...
  8. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    excellent advice, not at all exemplifying the pointless filler that clogs this place up. my "attitude may suck" because of posts from people like you and "cowboylogic" outnumbering anything even remotely educational. but it's good to know that you "decided not to help" and justify your spammy...
  9. Diesel Wreck

    Seasonal in/out re-veg question..? west coast california east bay area grandaddy GDP

    anybody, ever, put an inside plant out early?
  10. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    i'll reserve the right to go off-topic, only cuz it's MY thread :) guess that did sound a little whiney, it's just that of those 18 posts i've gotten about as much useful information as i'd get scanning a hightimes advertisement i may also be failing to comprehend some aspects of RIU. you make...
  11. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    CASE IN POINT! (the "load of irrelevant BS" is comprised of posts like yours, what do you have to do with the question?)
  12. Diesel Wreck

    Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

    come on RIU, every time i ask a question on here i get two wrong answers, three guesses, and a load of irrelevant BS... i had some GDP clones under twenty hours of light for two weeks, and i put a pair outside on april 3rd. they're showing pistils! i'm in the bay area of california... obviously...
  13. Diesel Wreck

    Seasonal in/out re-veg question..? west coast california east bay area grandaddy GDP

    hey guys got two simple questions, sorry if this post lacks style, but i'm pissed cuz my last draft got deleted lol one- here in California, at what time of year do the days get long enough for vegetative growth without light supplementation? two- i kicked a couple girls out of the growroom...
  14. Diesel Wreck

    Topping my first plant.

    you can top again, cut each new node's tip. if you're going for as many colas as possible you can try FIM next time, which is sort of cutting the growing tip in half instead of off, resulting in max nodes from one snip (search for many demos of this technique). remember that in general this will...
  15. Diesel Wreck

    URGENT plant spacing question please help

    nice, thanks for the info folks. yeah i can raise the light another couple feet if need be, and i have a pretty big inline fan, although it is going through a lot of ducting. mold was one of my concerns for sure chomps, because the canopy is so dense. but my plants look really strong and...
  16. Diesel Wreck

    Plant shows sex on 18hrs

    from what people are saying that's normal (it's new to me, i don't veg that long), so i would venture to say no. a vegging male would not release pollen under 18 hour light unless, i reluctantly repeat, it has ruderalis genes
  17. Diesel Wreck

    Does green light disrupt flowering?

    tight! they're cozy to say the least, but i can envision them successfully tripling up! i've got a big inline running thru that light and an oscillator in front. i've been wondering about trimming. i know pruning is generally avoided during flower, so whats your technique for trimming, fan...
  18. Diesel Wreck

    Plant shows sex on 18hrs

    autoflowering strain genetics... sometimes c.ruderalis (which flowers under any photoperiod) is bred into a strain to shorten flowering time. you may have unstable hybrids (or just autoflowerers)
  19. Diesel Wreck

    Does green light disrupt flowering?

    nice, that's exactly what i wanted to hear NGG! Stelthy, that's a bad-a$$ lookin space you got there. this is my first grow, but i see your style man, kind of the opposite of what i have going. if you can believe it i had one more row in front before i realized i was overcrowding. these 9 are...
  20. Diesel Wreck

    Does green light disrupt flowering?

    i've heard that a green light bulb will not disturb the photoperiod of flowering plants when they are in darkness, does anyone have any EXPERIENCE in this matter? i picked up one of the energy-saving screw-in coiled-fluorescent ones, and i have doubts that the plants will not "see" the light it...