Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?


Well-Known Member
f%ck the "search function". this is a FORUM. we are here to ask and answer questions. whether they have been asked once or 1,000,000 times.

i see people who spend more time and energy spouting off about the search function then actually using that time to simply answer the question. most often they simply don't know the answer, or are just ANGRY.


Well-Known Member's good to have something to be happily cross about some days

I recently came across a very ancient glamor spell.
Traces of its use can be found in many cultures to this very day in fact.
It is generally used against one who has wronged the wizard who pronounces the curse.
Be aware that use by novices is not recommended.

Here it is:

This spell requireth ye hand gesture to be made in ye following way. Extend thy power hand outward toward thy intended target with thy palm facing thy face. Fold thy thumb, first, third, and small fingers into thy palm. If this be done properly, then ye finger of death and damnation shall be extended towards the heavens.

Whilst making the sign of malediction indicated above, intone the following incantation in a great and wrathful voice:


This being done, the wrongdoer's fate is sealed. Great care must be taken with this most potent curse. It has been known in some instances for angry howling demons to take control of the intended target, causing great bodily harm to the unfortunate wizard.

Enjoy this one. I know I will. Good for my heart.

excellent advice, not at all exemplifying the pointless filler that clogs this place up. my "attitude may suck" because of posts from people like you and "cowboylogic" outnumbering anything even remotely educational. but it's good to know that you "decided not to help" and justify your spammy lack of content by assuming others do the same...
yes thats exactly what i meant. that all new members can go window licking together and find somewhere else to learn how to grow...
c'mon man are you fucking serious? you have no idea how many people spend there time on here helping new comers. this is what i was refering to ...

I checked out your started threads...Green light disrupt plants? spacing questions? why dont you try using the search bar before you come on here acting like a 12 year old piss ant who just busted his first nut right on his first armpit hair and ask questions that would take you less then a minute to find the answer of luck dude
after i got over being irritated by your shit-talking (impressive btw, who's acting 12?) the realization came that my poor impression of RIU may be due to the fact that i'm not very familiar with online bulletin boards. i was being serious when i asked about newer members getting fewer answers (at least to their questions). otherwise why would i spend more time typing up a post than it would take to search for the answer? i wouldnt, thats the type of behavior thats so disappointing to see from these "experts" who will go on and on (piggybacking even) telling people to "just search" for the answer instead of just briefly restating the answer itself.
funny that my other threads (info that must be in demand if they're duplicates) were next to ignored but this one which degenerated to this point became the largest in an hour...


Well-Known Member
Excellent point....

if anyone "needs" to search for a thread they know exists for one reason or another, use google and enter your keywords followed by "rollitup" without the quotes.... the top results will link to threads in this site. Anyone that wants to ask a question should.

Check the sun rise and sun set times in your area in your weather, available on the site... I'd wait to put out my Fall harvest plants until there is more than 14 hours of total daylight. I moved my potted plant outdoors 4 weeks ago and she has some lovely flowers that I'm going to let develop for the hell of it.. I can always cut them off later and get new tips.... with the cool nights, the flowers have beautiful shades of purple and reds... If it was my fall harvest, it wouldn't be outside now. it is more of an experimental...

f%ck the "search function". this is a FORUM. we are here to ask and answer questions. whether they have been asked once or 1,000,000 times.

i see people who spend more time and energy spouting off about the search function then actually using that time to simply answer the question. most often they simply don't know the answer, or are just ANGRY.


Well-Known Member
you got to make the most of the sun in nothern europe, and when it starts to shine you start to plant, lol. I am thinking of trying to trigger them to flower by boxing them off at night (pain in the arse, but end of season here is a nightmare and very wet!)
no, they finish the same time they normally would. it's triggered by the light cycle. unless they never fully revert back to veg.

i have been putting plants out too early and seeing this for years now. i finally backed off this year and have yet to put anything outside. typically i'd have my whole garden in by now. i'm tired of dealing with funky plants so i'm waiting a little later this year.


Well-Known Member
behold the wonder that is humanity least we got buds around here

happy growing. They will be fine. next year just keep em in a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
Dude, a mod has stepped in and told everyone to knock off the BS..... when are you going to knock it off and move along with the discussion that others of us are having related to your topic? You made your point, infractions were given to assholes; it really is time to drop the crap and move along.... :)

after i got over being irritated by your shit-talking (impressive btw, who's acting 12?) the realization came that my poor impression of RIU may be due to the fact that i'm not very familiar with online bulletin boards. i was being serious when i asked about newer members getting fewer answers (at least to their questions). otherwise why would i spend more time typing up a post than it would take to search for the answer? i wouldnt, thats the type of behavior thats so disappointing to see from these "experts" who will go on and on (piggybacking even) telling people to "just search" for the answer instead of just briefly restating the answer itself.
funny that my other threads (info that must be in demand if they're duplicates) were next to ignored but this one which degenerated to this point became the largest in an hour...


Moderatrix of Journals
you got to make the most of the sun in nothern europe, and when it starts to shine you start to plant, lol. I am thinking of trying to trigger them to flower by boxing them off at night (pain in the arse, but end of season here is a nightmare and very wet!)
i live where it's wet and cold by harvest time too, and there are some dedicated growers in my area who get off *2* harvests in our short growing season by "tarping" (<-what we call it around here)....
i've seen OD that looks like ID done this way.... (AND you can get all stoned and daydream up all sorts of ways to automate the process!)
Dude, a mod has stepped in and told everyone to knock off the BS..... when are you going to knock it off and move along with the discussion that others of us are having related to your topic? You made your point, infractions were given to assholes; it really is time to drop the crap and move along.... :)
agreed, that post went up out of sequence for some reason. i think i have a better perspective on how to try and get anything out of this place now. sorry if i irritated anybody who's NOT full of isht ;)


New Member
and if everyone used the search function we would have nothing to talk about
i for one never tell someone that they shouldnt ask just use search
but i will search for them and then give them links since sometimes it is hard for then to search if they r not sure what problem is annd sometimes by doing this a may learn something i didnt know either

so it is kind of like we are learning together and thats what this forum is also about:bigjoint:

f%ck the "search function". this is a FORUM. we are here to ask and answer questions. whether they have been asked once or 1,000,000 times.

i see people who spend more time and energy spouting off about the search function then actually using that time to simply answer the question. most often they simply don't know the answer, or are just ANGRY.


New Member
hey bro lets see if we can get this thread back to your plants
i had some that at end of flower started revegging on top
some called it foxtailing as to the cause never did get a solid answer
but it really affected my yield on the ones that did it
one person said it was from gibberic acid in nutes but idk

you could try force them back into flowering by moving them indoors under 12/12 and then put back outdoors
sorry that it isnt more helpful

thank you serapis, i'll be sure to spread that hot tip all over the board. good work you guys do
thx i really would like an idea of what to expect here. my bad for not having a super-close-up of the preflowers, because they're not nearly as developed as on the clones from the same batch inside so i know the plants are no longer flowering. i had a local friend tell me april 15 was considered the earliest you should go without having nightlights, so i must have thrown em out just early enough to be confused :(
i know it's only two measly four-week clones, the thing is i dont want to care for them all summer for nothing, i have two more personal grows to worry about...
so in a nutshell, I'm asking if the "dry run" these two made at flowering while a foot tall in april will even have an effect six months down the line. i dont need a control experiment and magic formula for estimating yield or anything, just informed opinions on whether these preflowered/revegged babies still have the potential to make all my attention worthwhile
and thanks, i do see the tremendous value a site like this could have for our movement, and as my capabilities expand i plan on giving back as well, even if my good deed of the day is provoked by sheer idiocy ;)


New Member
hey bro this is a great site with some cool people
sometimes people dont know answers but post just to chime in and also to let u know u are not alone sometimes i post on a thread that has no replies just so they wont feel we dont care

as for a the worthwhileness of saving your plants i feel any plant thats not dead deserves to live and grow but i understand if u dont have to room or time
sorry i cant be more help

thx i really would like an idea of what to expect here. my bad for not having a super-close-up of the preflowers, because they're not nearly as developed as on the clones from the same batch inside so i know the plants are no longer flowering. i had a local friend tell me april 15 was considered the earliest you should go without having nightlights, so i must have thrown em out just early enough to be confused :(
i know it's only two measly four-week clones, the thing is i dont want to care for them all summer for nothing, i have two more personal grows to worry about...
so in a nutshell, I'm asking if the "dry run" these two made at flowering while a foot tall in april will even have an effect six months down the line. i dont need a control experiment and magic formula for estimating yield or anything, just informed opinions on whether these preflowered/revegged babies still have the potential to make all my attention worthwhile
and thanks, i do see the tremendous value a site like this could have for our movement, and as my capabilities expand i plan on giving back as well, even if my good deed of the day is provoked by sheer idiocy ;)


Well-Known Member
FWIW, I put a crop of pure indica clones out right after last frost and get a nice spring crop of bud.

The get harvested before they start to re veg.



Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, that was a legit tip about urinating on plants.... Your urine is sterile and contains high levels of nitrogen, something a vegging plant loves.... See? You thought I was being a smart ass........ and it was an actual tip.. :) LOL and if you grow outdoors, your urine will tend to keep some animals away from your crop.

thank you serapis, i'll be sure to spread that hot tip all over the board. good work you guys do


Well-Known Member
That is exactly what i like to promote, especially to anyone living in the south that's closer to the equator. You can put out plants before equinox cause the weather is usually much warmer and get them to flower and then re-veg them in the summer... :)

Attitude sent me a promo II Diavolo seed that is going outdoors right after it pops...

FWIW, I put a crop of pure indica clones out right after last frost and get a nice spring crop of bud.

The get harvested before they start to re veg.



New Member
gross or he could just get nutes and they jury is still out on if u were just being a smartass but we can dream
but help is help
so lets try to help him more u already gave him some
i think if he wants to go that route
my bro and btw WHATZ UP DUDE hows the grow coming along

Believe it or not, that was a legit tip about urinating on plants.... Your urine is sterile and contains high levels of nitrogen, something a vegging plant loves.... See? You thought I was being a smart ass........ and it was an actual tip.. :) LOL and if you grow outdoors, your urine will tend to keep some animals away from your crop.