Seasonal in/out re-veg question..? west coast california east bay area grandaddy GDP

hey guys
got two simple questions, sorry if this post lacks style, but i'm pissed cuz my last draft got deleted lol
one- here in California, at what time of year do the days get long enough for vegetative growth without light supplementation?
two- i kicked a couple girls out of the growroom for sucking on April 3rd, and they have shown much less growth than their inside sisters since then. did they start trying to flower and then re-veg? if that's what's happening, do these particular plants still hold their full potential?
please do not theorize or regurgitate information you've "learned" online, only answer if you have experience-based knowledge!
thanks y'all


Well-Known Member
How many hrs of light were the plants on prior to being put out?

Most plants will flower now, unless you've acclimated them first. They will start to flower, then try to revert back to veg, but won't have enough time before the days start getting shorter in June. They will be caught in between, will produce very leafy low quality buds in the end.

I always use lighting outdoors until June.

Good luck



hey diesel wreck, im having the same problem.... put some baby clones outside 3 weeks ago and now they're trying to flower... was still kinda cold so i brought back inside under cfls 18hrs last week... start noticing white hairs and thc not sure if i should toss these and start off with new fresh clones.... because it seems like this stage, they're taking forever to grow/veg.. if anything i plan on putting them back outside in the next couple of days.... i was told they would revert back on its own... i sure hope so and quickk