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  1. assbowl

    Uganda "Kill the Gays" Bill Passed Today

    Someone ate some monkey brains that were about a week old
  2. assbowl

    Could China Seize All Our Assets?

    No they don't
  3. assbowl

    Donald Trump for President!

    I see someone frequents the onion! :P and OP I condemn the use of " Finally a man who can see past the stupid Reefer Madness bullshit." There have been MANY men who can see past that bullshit, women too.
  4. assbowl

    Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

    also, op. no one is paranoid trump will win. because he won't. he's a businessman not a president.
  5. assbowl

    Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

    in 1999 Trump said he would raise taxes on the ultra wealthy. Not sure if that was before or after he was a republican, but that sounds awesome coming from him. Although he is still republican.. same party who turned down 9/11 first responder health care because of politics so I wouldn't be...
  6. assbowl

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    I've heard many times from my father, "Crazy is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results." I've applied that to the conservative agenda. He still supports the Bush era tax cuts. He's not top 2%. Not even top 10%. He works two jobs pulling in no more than $17.50 between them...
  7. assbowl

    Abortion or Shutdown

    It's stupid to even include "god" in any political argument. It is an emotional, irrational way to decide and it is one of the many things that is wrong with American politics of today. It's ironic the people pulling for smaller government control would shut down the government because they...
  8. assbowl

    American Soldiers may not get paid! Check this out guys!

    they weren't forced to go over there and kill, why should they be paid. peace corp is voluntary and you don't see those people complaining.
  9. assbowl

    Homeland Security Committee Chairman Holds McCarthy style hearings.

    so does that justify the killing of Iraqis by Americans?
  10. assbowl

    Immigration will eventually destroy the United States

    After reading this thread I have one thing to say. All of you people who do believe having babies or immigration of any sort will cause literal overpopulation you are sadly mistaken. It is economically impossible to overpopulate the Earth. Period. Sure, you could say, "Damn there are way too...
  11. assbowl

    Homeland Security Committee Chairman Holds McCarthy style hearings.

    Yeah except for millions of Iraqis. Oops..
  12. assbowl

    Homeland Security Committee Chairman Holds McCarthy style hearings.

    Is there a source to the original post? All I see is quote, I'm interested and would like to read on. Thanks.
  13. assbowl

    Immigration will eventually destroy the United States

    I'm actually not sure about that one, mind digging up some statistics on that?
  14. assbowl

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    super silver haze my favorite sativa by faaar
  15. assbowl

    Best Smokin' Experience Ever ????

    first shower session opened my eyes, man