Homeland Security Committee Chairman Holds McCarthy style hearings.


Well-Known Member
i assume you dont know radical muslims. your right.
I have known radical Muslims.. Even sat around smoked doobies and watched http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Farrakhan

These folks i knew watched their version of Rush Limbaugh and i learned a great deal of what their grievances are.

It's covered in the Constitution and it is called free speech.

Look we have nut-jobs in all extremist groups.. We need to do more than focus on just one.
So I agree bad move for that Government employee and I for one think we can do with out using our tax dollars to continue to employ him.


Well-Known Member
Point of the thread?
no, i get the point of the thread.

i don't get the point of what king is doing, since it is redundant.

actually, i do get what he is doing, and it disgusts me.

now let's wait for johnnyo to come along and tell us what fools we are and how we are in a holy war with islam.


Well-Known Member
I don't know but perhaps this quote i just used says it all?

Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.
Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.
Fear mongering ? Create a Common enemy to unite a divided political base..

It;s just that we should be past these government sponsored hate crimes.
What if some nut decided to blow up a mosque now because some Federal Government Employee makes it seem okay to go after American Muslims?

Again this guy refused to include groups that are not Islamic related and do 3/4's of the terrorist acts in the USA each year.


Active Member
whats funny is that he said that all terrorist attacks have been islamic extremists. The guy in Spokane Washington, He was trying to blow up a Martin Luther King demonstration, He is a Neo Nazi. He never spoke of our own terrorism in America. Racism.


Well-Known Member
It is suspect!

I don't think the good people of the USA can ever blindly trust our Government.


Well-Known Member
USA is NOT a religion. USA is NOT belief system. USA does not command a generalist population of people to be killed.
Pardon the delay in reply. I may have deliberately avoided it but on review I see it is over due a reply.

I am a citizen of California and I consider myself a citizen of the USA.
I see things from the point of view "myCountry;my State"
To me there is a singular object that is the USA.

It's an effort to come to terms with what I learn from the media sources I monitor.

I'd also say that we "USA" is an object of some kind throughout the world since we are a military presence in the global community.

Other then that I'm sure I can be wrong on any given day about something.
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