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  1. Docter Bud

    Bin Laden Dead, What's the Retaliation? Egypt...Libya...2012 End of the World?...WTF

    What does his death have to do with 2012? -.- It's about time he got killed :P You can't run forever. lmao
  2. Docter Bud


    Wew! I'm back and I'm FUCKED UP! I was in jail for assault. :wall:
  3. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    Lmao! Long Island? Nigga you far off...
  4. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    shitt..... gotta do wat u gotta do 2 get payed rite???? hahha
  5. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    nigga got me rolln! hhaahahaha
  6. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    damn nigga.... i was 4real bout to hop in the whip an drive if you was close douh hahahah
  7. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    That's just weed douh.
  8. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    I get bout 7 dollas erry three days wit weed. Doin my other shit I get bout 120dollas. which is 12000 erry week. money rolln in right now. im livin good. you real as fuck, i can tell. respect.
  9. Docter Bud

    Codiene, valium, Xanax, and Percocet street price?

    Damn... Another nigga on the street wit no money. Dats why I turned to what I do now. Tell a nigga to stay real, he'll make it through hard times.
  10. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    where you stay at my nigga? liek the state. if we in the same state we shud kick it sometim, u kno get blowed. you is my "eNigga" hahahaha
  11. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    OFC there is always goin be someone tougher than me. I just don't go wit out a fight. I'd rather square up like my unc than pull a gun on a nigga. I've been robbed gun point twice. Watched two of my closest niggas get killed right in front of me. My lifes hard. You're lifes hard. Atleast you...
  12. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    For real. Come on wit dat shit. You is tryna act hard on the internet. Even got me a little pissed off because you said somethin bout fleecn me. My boy got fleeced for 2 bricks and the nigga got away wit it. Shit not even funny. I don't even sell on the corner. A true dealer does runs. That's...
  13. Docter Bud = racist?

    Honestly dude. Nigga isn't racist, it's how people use it. Nigga is a friendly term, I say it all the time and I'm white. NO REAL NIGGA I KNOW HAS A PROBLEM WITH IT. Only fake bitches who try hard to be hood. If you are hood it comes naturally.
  14. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    19. 175lbs pure muscle, I respect my mom deeply, I have 1 year of college education. Selling is the easier way. Legit is annoying and takes forever to get anywhere. EDIT: Don't jump to conclusions, it gets you no where, and it will most likely lead to trouble. EDIT: The fur on dudes coat is...
  15. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    If you think people are going to catch me than you're wrong, and shut the fuck up with all the insults, honestly if I knew you in person I'd beat the fuck out of you. I'd run you. I didn't get caught for drugs when I went in for 2, I had a glock 17 on me when I got pulled over and I was on papers.
  16. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    I take it the nigga was fucked up in the head?
  17. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    I liked it because he said "see4 vibe" and that's being fucked up. Like C4 and Vibrations from the explosion. FUCKED UP. hahah
  18. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    Only one light in my room and it's currently behind my futon so there is barley any light at all. When I bring it outside though it sparkles like a motha fucka! hahaha
  19. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    I don't want to show you the rest of my operation because I don't only sell weed, but here is what I was talking about above. I'm waiting for my necklace to get finished. I got two rows of diamond put onto it :D
  20. Docter Bud

    Do You Sell?

    You guys want to see some money in diamond form? :D