Do You Sell?


Active Member
Docter Bud, what the fuck... your a moron! If you really are 19, which i doubt, i would bet on you being back in the slammer before your other nut drops. The boys inside like "cool as white boys".... you go kid!.... fucking twat!

Docter Bud

Docter Bud, what the fuck... your a moron! If you really are 19, which i doubt, i would bet on you being back in the slammer before your other nut drops. The boys inside like "cool as white boys".... you go kid!.... fucking twat!
If you think people are going to catch me than you're wrong, and shut the fuck up with all the insults, honestly if I knew you in person I'd beat the fuck out of you. I'd run you. I didn't get caught for drugs when I went in for 2, I had a glock 17 on me when I got pulled over and I was on papers.


Active Member
If you think people are going to catch me than you're wrong, and shut the fuck up with all the insults, honestly if I knew you in person I'd beat the fuck out of you. I'd run you. I didn't get caught for drugs when I went in for 2, I had a glock 17 on me when I got pulled over and I was on papers.
Seriously dude, i imagine you to be....
....about 100 - 110 pounds, most of that weight in your tounge, pretty skinny... with a bit of a baby face, your probably a cunt to your mother and i would hate to know what level of education you failed....

In actual fact i refer you to a post by another member and ask if that may be you.... its called "Scumbag Steve"... here is a glimpse;

Infact it was Loius that posted it.... ha ha ha im pissing my pants, your a fucking joke.... <<<---- IM SURE THIS IS YOU!!!!

Docter Bud

Seriously dude, i imagine you to be....
....about 100 - 110 pounds, most of that weight in your tounge, pretty skinny... with a bit of a baby face, your probably a cunt to your mother and i would hate to know what level of education you failed....

In actual fact i refer you to a post by another member and ask if that may be you.... its called "Scumbag Steve"... here is a glimpse;

Infact it was Loius that posted it.... ha ha ha im pissing my pants, your a fucking joke.... <<<---- IM SURE THIS IS YOU!!!!
19. 175lbs pure muscle, I respect my mom deeply, I have 1 year of college education. Selling is the easier way. Legit is annoying and takes forever to get anywhere.
EDIT: Don't jump to conclusions, it gets you no where, and it will most likely lead to trouble.
EDIT: The fur on dudes coat is pretty gay. A true gangster never wears fur.


Active Member
19. 175lbs pure muscle, I respect my mom deeply, I have 1 year of college education. Selling is the easier way. Legit is annoying and takes forever to get anywhere.
EDIT: Don't jump to conclusions, it gets you no where, and it will most likely lead to trouble.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH........where's the big talk?????.... cmon 'BOY', man up.... if your so fucking brave take a photo of your face....stick on your ass scan it and post.....LMFAO.... your kung fu is weak, if you were a dealer on the corner i would bitch slap you and fleece you,.... fuckin 175 pounds of pure muscle with no fuckin backbone... dont big ball yourself online dude... it just makes you look dumber than you already are.....

EDIT: Nice edit dude.... where you get that, 4th period maths?????

Docter Bud

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH........where's the big talk?????.... cmon 'BOY', man up.... if your so fucking brave take a photo of your face....stick on your ass scan it and post.....LMFAO.... your kung fu is weak, if you were a dealer on the corner i would bitch slap you and fleece you,.... fuckin 175 pounds of pure muscle with no fuckin backbone... dont big ball yourself online dude... it just makes you look dumber than you already are.....

EDIT: Nice edit dude.... where you get that, 4th period maths?????
For real. Come on wit dat shit. You is tryna act hard on the internet. Even got me a little pissed off because you said somethin bout fleecn me. My boy got fleeced for 2 bricks and the nigga got away wit it. Shit not even funny. I don't even sell on the corner. A true dealer does runs. That's how you make money. So don't tell me to "don't big ball myself" because I bet you'd be feeln stupid where I grew up. Someone died erry week. Some weeks the block would be ghost on c low because the boys wud be patrolln the block.Times is tough, and if you say someone who sells ain't ballsy then you ain't real. You is just tryna be real but u is fake. If you come off wit the "eThug" shit people be tryna pull gone wit dat.... I aint got time for people like you. I got caught up wit bitches just like you when I was 15, and what did that get me? 6 Months state.

EDIT: I can tell you are strong though. Not physically but mentally. You get shit done. You can be a bitch if you want but dat shit ain't cool. All I know is I ain't bout to sit here and argue on the internet wit someone who just don't know....


Well-Known Member
If you think people are going to catch me than you're wrong, and shut the fuck up with all the insults, honestly if I knew you in person I'd beat the fuck out of you. I'd run you. I didn't get caught for drugs when I went in for 2, I had a glock 17 on me when I got pulled over and I was on papers.
Dude.....I had something going that you ain't even close to yet.
Thinking you won't get caught will get you caught. I got caught because my stupid ass roommate thought he wouldn't get caught......he did, and got me in the mix too.

Not doggin ya, just tryin to shed a little wisdom from someone who has been thru shit you can't even imagine. It's not a glorious life. I thought it was and it just about killed me. Attempted murder charges (quickly dropped), assault charges, weapons charges, 3 federal counts of PPT (possession for the purpose of trafficking), high speed chases with the cops.

I've been robbed at gunpoint by 5 or 6 dudes, all packing, and one with an AK or SKS. Lost a pretty chunk of change. Had house robbed several times, simply because I was a dealer or grower.

Honestly, the best thing that ever happened to me was getting busted in a raid. Opens your eyes when you hear explosions or gunfire goin off, thinkin its rivals bustin in the house fittin to pop someone. Turned out to be the cops tossing in flashbangs.

I'm still alive, all my fingers and toes and my lifestyle has mellowed right out. I honestly hope you don't end up having to learn the lesson this way....or even worse.

And sayin you're gonna beat the shit outta people. There is always someone out there tougher than you.

Just my 2 cents.

Docter Bud

Dude.....I had something going that you ain't even close to yet.
Thinking you won't get caught will get you caught. I got caught because my stupid ass roommate thought he wouldn't get caught......he did, and got me in the mix too.

Not doggin ya, just tryin to shed a little wisdom from someone who has been thru shit you can't even imagine. It's not a glorious life. I thought it was and it just about killed me. Attempted murder charges (quickly dropped), assault charges, weapons charges, 3 federal counts of PPT (possession for the purpose of trafficking), high speed chases with the cops.

I've been robbed at gunpoint by 5 or 6 dudes, all packing, and one with an AK or SKS. Lost a pretty chunk of change. Had house robbed several times, simply because I was a dealer or grower.

Honestly, the best thing that ever happened to me was getting busted in a raid. Opens your eyes when you hear explosions or gunfire goin off, thinkin its rivals bustin in the house fittin to pop someone. Turned out to be the cops tossing in flashbangs.

I'm still alive, all my fingers and toes and my lifestyle has mellowed right out. I honestly hope you don't end up having to learn the lesson this way....or even worse.

And sayin you're gonna beat the shit outta people. There is always someone out there tougher than you.

Just my 2 cents.
OFC there is always goin be someone tougher than me. I just don't go wit out a fight. I'd rather square up like my unc than pull a gun on a nigga. I've been robbed gun point twice. Watched two of my closest niggas get killed right in front of me. My lifes hard. You're lifes hard. Atleast you ain't like the dude above who comes frontn. I got respect for you if what you said is true. You is a tru dope boy. I don't mean dope boy as in just weed either. Respect.