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  1. Al Dente

    Led Users Unite!

    My first grow was a combo LED/CFL, and I thought it worked out well so doing it again... Details in my journal, link in sig. Eta: I used 4 26 watt CFLs. Daylight for veg and soft white for bloom.
  2. Al Dente

    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    I didn't see anything in that thread about whether the roots are needed to get oxygen uptake in the foliage (it seems like leaves could just absorb it directly from the air), which was my question. If I missed it please point it out to me. Aside from that, if the point of this is to prevent...
  3. Al Dente

    First Grow Skunk #1 54w x 8 t5's

    You must have chopped and probably cured by now, how's it going?
  4. Al Dente

    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    Can someone explain how this works? How would drowning the roots force fermentation in the leaves and buds? I thought respiration would happen in the leaves not the roots, so even though you cut off oxygen in the roots the leaves still get plenty?Anyway, not trying to say it doesn't work but I'd...
  5. Al Dente

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Urea is urea. Same chemical formula whether it's in Miracle Grow or pee. You might believe there's a difference but plants don't. I get it, you need to have everything processed, plastic wrapped and sold by a major corporation or it's just too scary for you. Here's a friendly tip: try a little...
  6. Al Dente

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    You mean the urea? Urea is a common primary source of nitrogen in commercial ferts. Is it different from urea in urine? Also if what you say is true I should have had deficiencies in my grow. But you be the judge. Take a look at my grow and tell me if the plants look deficient or locked out. No...
  7. Al Dente

    Led Users Unite!

    I have 4 CFLs in addition to my UFO to keep the heat up. With summer on the way I'll probably trade out 2 of the CFL for a couple of LED spots.
  8. Al Dente

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    I just finished my first grow using my urine as a fertilizer through flowering 1/3-1/2 cup per gallon. Zero issues with smell in the grow room, plants were healthy to the end and the bud definitely does not smell or taste like pee.
  9. Al Dente

    Cabinet Lighting Dilemma

    Right, my LED is Sunshine Systems but I actually bought it from my local grow shop which carries the brand. There are other LEDs out there with more watts per $ but I like being able to take this back to a real store if something goes wrong and so far nothing has. Regarding urine as...
  10. Al Dente

    Cabinet Lighting Dilemma

    My first grow is being lit by a single 90W UFO plus 4x26W CFL to fill in the corners, give some heat and spectrum fill. The base size is a 30" diameter table in a 30"x30" bathroom shower so not much bigger than yours. Link to my journal is in my sig. It's almost done, going to start chopping today.
  11. Al Dente

    Jars for Curing?

    Oh yeah, glass def better than plastic for several reasons especially aesthetically and environmentally (unless you have food grade tubs you can re-use). I don't know about plastic affecting the taste. IMO if a container didn't make the food ingredient that came in it taste like plastic it won't...
  12. Al Dente

    Jars for Curing?

    I grew out some males to make pollen and decided to try smoking them (I'd rather smoke crappy homegrown than black market dank, but that's just me). After a week drying they were nasty and had nothing much going for them, maybe a short weak body stone. But after a month or so sitting in a jar, I...
  13. Al Dente

    Newbie Grow! Super Skunk Feminized (Nirvana) To be Picked or Not To Be Picked?

    Girls are awake so I got the jar from the grow room. It's Aunt Patty's Blackstrap Molasses unsulphured. In 1 Tbsp/22gm (I've been feeding 1 oz per gal) it has 15mg sodium, 260mg potassium, 15gm carb, 12 gm sugar, calcium 11% (of DV I assume), iron 13%. I can't tell if the plants love it since...
  14. Al Dente

    Led Users Unite!

    Why would you want an LED that requires a big fancy thermal management system? I thought the main advantage of LEDs is that they don't waste a lot of energy making heat. I'd definitely want to know how much of a unit's output is heat vs light.
  15. Al Dente

    Newbie Grow! Super Skunk Feminized (Nirvana) To be Picked or Not To Be Picked?

    I have no idea about the strain(s) as the seeds were a gift. I'd guess Indica mostly going by the wide leaves on the bottom and plants did not stretch above 2 feet with one topping and no other training. But the high seems more Sativa. There are pics in my journal, link in my sig. Don't know...
  16. Al Dente

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I posted a page or so back with no response but will try again with new pics. Day 65 bag seed, first grow.
  17. Al Dente

    Newbie Grow! Super Skunk Feminized (Nirvana) To be Picked or Not To Be Picked?

    Looking good. I can't advise you on when to harvest, am having the same dilemma myself, just a couple of days behind you. Also using molasses in a mostly organic dirt grow.
  18. Al Dente

    Anyone Want to Weigh in on a Good Scale?

    My first grow will be ready to chop soon and I need a good scale. Not for commercial purposes or large scale, doesn't need to be stealthy or super accurate, but better than my current kitchen scale which only goes down to 10ths of an ounce would be nice.
  19. Al Dente

    Pic of Very First Yield!

    Focus on the buds so they don't just look like green blobs and don't stand between the light and the subject. A background that's darker than the subject is also helpful. I find some oblique lighting really helps bring out the trichomes too.
  20. Al Dente

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Why not? I know what day mine is on (what hour actually, if I did the math) but it doesn't help.