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  1. NoobBooB

    Slow growth?

    no its not a switchable one,,,so them being 2 weeks old looking like that isnt too bad...i was already preppin another rockwool cube gonna give em some time then hopefully theyll recover..
  2. NoobBooB

    Slow growth?

    I was wondering that the 150 hps might not be the right light to get fast growth..cuz ive seen others with my same straigh with better lights get a whole lot more growth? so ill hold off for a bit before i start just scared that they might turn hermie or just plain stunted growth you...
  3. NoobBooB

    Slow growth?

    I have 3 uberkush and 1 herijuana under a 150w hps about 18 inches first the light was about 6 inches away i think it mightve burned them.the round leaves started turning yellow i know this is normal they will be 2 weeks old thursday and they are sprouting their second set of leaves...
  4. NoobBooB

    HELP is this normal....

    sorry forgot the pic here it is
  5. NoobBooB

    HELP is this normal....

    transplanted 5 day old seedlings from under a 2ft 24w cfl to a 150w hps.the light is about 5 inches away...what do you think?
  6. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    ahhh mann.. just realized my tds meter sucks balls its a hm digital tds-ez meter...looks like im better off just measuring by nute to water ratio
  7. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    so i could use my ppm to measure the nutes in ec? but for the start you suggest just going quarter strength going with water to nute ratio
  8. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    Its a startes kit this is the link
  9. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    im using distilled water...the reading is always 0 i have a tds ez should i just go off the recipe for my nutes...Im using technaflora BC Nutes...
  10. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    i was gonna go off this ppm chart what do you think.. @font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250...
  11. NoobBooB

    Slow Growing Seedlings

    thats cool i still appreciate yoru input dude...
  12. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    ahhh pardon my *typos*....
  13. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    thanks dude lol... had a type on my last one its 3 uberkush and 1 herijuana .....btu yea so you think after two weeks to start nutes? the leaves are pointing up a bit i have the light about 5 to 6 inches away....
  14. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    How does this look they are on day 5 its 3 uberkush and one marijuana, asked the seed dude and he said they havent been grown hydro,Im trying not to use nutes till week 2....theyve been under the 150w hps over night running 18 6..I hear thats a good start and helps with root development...
  15. NoobBooB

    Root Damage

    duuuuude thanks for the freakin love bro ok cool i got em under the 150w hps with the water level right under the ups no nutes hopin i see some growth soon
  16. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    thanks dude got my mind at ease
  17. NoobBooB

    Root Damage

    can i get a life line here?????? wheres the love
  18. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    anybody out there? hellllllo? can i get some love here shhheeesh
  19. NoobBooB

    Transplant Root Shock

    I'm running a hydro set up (airpump,difuser) i have 4 seedlings 4 days old some had developed roots about half inch to an inch.Turns out the cfl i had them under was not strong enough iit is a 2ft/24w.They seem to have stretched and no real leaf growth at all, so i decided to put them under my...
  20. NoobBooB

    Slow Growing Seedlings

    thanks for the replys i transplanted them under the 150w hps theyre about 7" away from top...but i did notice one of my roots to be curled up ,,im guessing stress or it died when i put them in the larger net cups im runnin a hydro system? can thhe plant still make it ?