Transplant Root Shock


I'm running a hydro set up (airpump,difuser) i have 4 seedlings 4 days old some had developed roots about half inch to an inch.Turns out the cfl i had them under was not strong enough iit is a 2ft/24w.They seem to have stretched and no real leaf growth at all, so i decided to put them under my 150w hps , doign so u had to layer the cups with hydroton and place the rockwool there, i noticed one of the roots curled up.I'm guessing it was damaged during the transplant.Theyre already under the 150w hps and in the hydroton for a bout 5 hours now.Can the plants recover? I havent used any nutes and I'm using distilled water 6.0 ph....



Active Member
they'll be fine. you need to keep in mind MJ is a weed and it will do whatever it can to survive.

i've taken 4 ft tall plants and wrapped them around they'r pots rim before and within a week they'r back on track. within a few hours they'r pointed back up toward the light.


Well-Known Member
First off if your net pots are serrated that could be letting light leak into your reservoir(hard to tell from the pic), fill those pots with some hydroclay/lava rock this will also help support them.
I would hit them with some great white mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae sleeps when P goes over 70ppm so seedlings are the best time to inoculate, this will help with transplant shock, development of a great root system as well as preventing the bad guys from taking over.

2nd create a grow log and drop me a link so i can come follow along.


How does this look they are on day 5 its 3 uberkush and one marijuana, asked the seed dude and he said they havent been grown hydro,Im trying not to use nutes till week 2....theyve been under the 150w hps over night running 18 6..I hear thats a good start and helps with root development...2011-02-01 09.37.47.jpg


Well-Known Member
Roots excel is also great for root development, its a bit more expensive than the great white, but it application rate is only 1ml per gallon, so its pretty concentrate.
I havnt used it yet personally, just ordered some as I got a deal on free shipping,(no hydro stores close to me, got to drive forever).

I am going to be doing some tests comparing various products to see which ones perform the best. Roots excel, vs great white, vs aquashield, vs sterilizers, ill send you a link when I get it up and running.
What really sold me on roots excel is Big Mike the owner of advanced nutrients saying its the best product on the market, and that he was taking his current root stimulator off the maket cause it doesnt compare in results. LOL


I think the 150 will help with the stretch considerably.
If you wanna try the excel hit the cats up at sdhydroponics they have free shipping till the end of the month.

I have some great tips in my grow journal if you get some time stop by, hope you don't mind me posting the link in here


thanks dude lol... had a type on my last one its 3 uberkush and 1 herijuana .....btu yea so you think after two weeks to start nutes? the leaves are pointing up a bit i have the light about 5 to 6 inches away....


Well-Known Member
I would say two weeks sounds pretty good, when You do start with nutrients, use VERY little, can always add more, but once you burn your roots you will be having problems for awhile.


i was gonna go off this ppm chart what do you think.. @font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }
Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600



Well-Known Member
your first mistake, using a ppm scale, also are you using ro water or tap, what is your starting EC reading?
From now on only use EC bro, ec is univesal but PPM has about 5 different readings, 1 ec can equal 500 ppm, 600ppm, 640ppm 700ppm.


im using distilled water...the reading is always 0 i have a tds ez should i just go off the recipe for my nutes...Im using technaflora BC Nutes...


Well-Known Member
No way you will burn your plants man.
I would go 1/4 strength or the reccomended dosage for technaflora, are you using the BC grow, bloom, boost, or the pura vida?


Well-Known Member
I would start them off at a .2 ec and gradually bump them up from there, I like to feed very little, until I notice a N deficiency developing and then bump my nutrients up between 15-20%
(all strains feed at somewhat different rates)


so i could use my ppm to measure the nutes in ec? but for the start you suggest just going quarter strength going with water to nute ratio


ahhh mann.. just realized my tds meter sucks balls its a hm digital tds-ez meter...looks like im better off just measuring by nute to water ratio