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  1. NoobBooB

    Root Damage

    I recent had to transplant four seedlings that were germed in rockwool cubes all 4 days old i noticed one had a root about and inch long yesterday and now its curled up im guessing its dead.I also have a few others that are showing a root about a quarter inch, when i transplanted them from their...
  2. NoobBooB

    Slow Growing Seedlings

    I have 4 seedlings under a 2ft/24w fluro they are 4 days old...I feel like they shouldve been bigger by now...I do have a 150 w HPS should I just transplant them? some of the plants have the white tap root out about half to a whole inch.I'm worried i can damage them, I'm running a hydro set up...
  3. NoobBooB

    Anyone out there use a Superlocker 2.0

    If you've used a superlocker 2.o can you please let me know how it went from seedlingto flower...especially the seedling stage when to fill reservoir? when to feed?.....any info would be great
  4. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    but theres so much contradicting info..ive read as soon as you see the to pointed leafs start the nutes,,or as soon as the roots are a quarter inch...and ur sayin nothing for 2 weeks its like wtttttf who is right lol
  5. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    thanks jake appreciate gonna give it a try..
  6. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    so should i scrap these or what i have more seeds im not worried im early into this cycle i dont want to deal with stressed plants this early into the game what do you think
  7. NoobBooB

    Rockwool Problems

    HOw to treat rockwool after pre soak and water for how long...when to start far does the water/solution go under the net cup? when to feed or water seedlings in rockwool? i cant fit the hydroton in the cup where i germinate i am going to transplant once they get...
  8. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    plus i think since i couldnt fit the hydroton in these small cups thats why the rockwool got so freakin wet
  9. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    so should i just scrap these i think next time around im just gonna germ in the rockwool and once they sprout just lightly mist the rockwool with phd water for 2 weeks or untill i get good roots...cuz the ones i have in now have small roots but idk just not looking good i dont want a hermie ...
  10. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    i have a difuser in the reservoir with air pump
  11. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    im using distilled water
  12. NoobBooB

    How much stress can seedlings take..

    I have 3 uberkush seedlings and 1 herijuana/bigwhite theyre all over 4 days old and are some are showing some bad signs..1 hasnt opened the leafs at all and some have a hint of yellow on the leafs as well...they're all also showing root out the bottom of the rockwool so i attempted to feed them...
  13. NoobBooB

    Help a Noob Out!! Hydroponic Seedling Stage

    thanks guys,,,well they all have small roots showing and the rockwool is pretty drenched when i flushed it with ph distilled water..just waiting now
  14. NoobBooB

    Help a Noob Out!! Hydroponic Seedling Stage

    So when i initially treat my cubes thats the only time they see water till when? no nutes or water till when? do i just slightly water the cubes till the seedlings need nutes,,Im aboout to jsut start over and leave the damaged ones in the back and start with some new seeds anybody could give me...
  15. NoobBooB

    Help a Noob Out!! Hydroponic Seedling Stage

    I do have hydroton but the cups the seedlings are in fits the rockwool pretty snug and theyre pretty small i have a larger reservoir with larger cups when they are ready to transplant.Do you think if i pour water on em to flush em wont it make wayto wet they are pretty wet right now ? here are...
  16. NoobBooB

    Help a Noob Out!! Hydroponic Seedling Stage

    Hey dudes just starting out any info is appreciated hear me out :-P So i have a small reservoir with air diffuser and air pimp in a small container and also a 24 watt CFL.Well I had no problem germinating got em out withing 3 days I have 3 uberkush and 1 Herijuana/Big white all fem, all in 1...