Help a Noob Out!! Hydroponic Seedling Stage


Hey dudes just starting out any info is appreciated hear me out :-P

So i have a small reservoir with air diffuser and air pimp in a small container and also a 24 watt CFL.Well I had no problem germinating got em out withing 3 days I have 3 uberkush and 1 Herijuana/Big white all fem, all in 1 1/2 inch rockwool cubes in a small net cup.I only use distilled water I do understand how to use the ph tester and tds no prob.Once all of them got over 3 days old with small roots showing I decided to start feeding them with BC Sugar Daddy and Root 66 only 101 PPM.Distilled water is always giving me a reading of 0 on the PPM and PH is always good so it was just the nutes I forgot to PH after I added the nutes.I placed the net cups back in place with the water right below them and tried to move the container to where i have the air pump.While moving the container the solution went right up to the cubes and soaked them from the bottom,mind you this the solution i forgot to ph it after i mixed it.The Rockwool hadn't got any water for 7 days when this happened so they werent too went to begin with but I checked the PH once i realized the mistake i made and it was at 8.0.Once i got the container to where it needed to be i Phd the water and then turned on the air pump.Am I screwed , is the rockwool compromised? I've left the air pump out over night the level of the solution is about an inch or more away from the cups but the bubbles are getting to them fine.The rockwool does look wet from when I was moving them and got them soaked but at the top the rockwool is normal just damp.The herijuana's stem is turning a bit red? is it stressed ? Thanks for reading I'll respond promptly to any replies...What SHould I dOoOOoOOO? I feel like scrapping these and being more careful next time..


Well-Known Member
would be able to help a little more with a few pics but if it where me i would just use some of that distilled water ph it and pour some on the wools untill it starts draining it out kinda flush the rockwool basically with clean ph'd water and go from there you using hydroton? and if they are just sprouted i would not be running nutes at all just ph'd water till roots start breaking through the pot and going for the water.


I do have hydroton but the cups the seedlings are in fits the rockwool pretty snug and theyre pretty small i have a larger reservoir with larger cups when they are ready to transplant.Do you think if i pour water on em to flush em wont it make wayto wet they are pretty wet right now ? here are some pics ...what is protocol for the seedling stage usinng hydroponics (difuser.airpump.cfl light. )2011-01-22 10.33.17.jpg

2011-01-21 10.39.13.jpg


So when i initially treat my cubes thats the only time they see water till when? no nutes or water till when? do i just slightly water the cubes till the seedlings need nutes,,Im aboout to jsut start over and leave the damaged ones in the back and start with some new seeds anybody could give me a few pointers....


Well-Known Member
Looks like you should move your light closer got some serious stretch happenin. Just follow your nutes directions for seedlings and relax. Nothing has been compromised. the redness in the stem is normal. Take a deep breath. There's a reason they call it weed, its not that easy to kill.


Well-Known Member
stop the nutes for sure just run straight water till the roots are showing they are still very young


thanks guys,,,well they all have small roots showing and the rockwool is pretty drenched when i flushed it with ph distilled water..just waiting now