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  1. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Homer, Congrats on the entire grow, journal and cure. It is amazing the degree to which every step turns out to matter - including the drying and cure. I am still looking forward to your trying the G13 as well and comparing and contrasting. So far, myself, the wife and everyone who has tried...
  2. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Homer, so, my experience with the G13 so far suggests curing has a significant positive effect pretty quickly. We tried the G13 after a week of curing and thought it was a pretty light, pleasant, sativa buzz. After 3 weeks of curing, the shit will blow the top of your head off. Serious...
  3. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Amen. The DIY element is my favorite aspect of this thread. I love how Homer built his box, got the Dollar Tree hat(s) for the girls, etc. - it was inspiring. There is nothing like knowing the entire life story of the weed you are smoking. Or the food you are eating for that matter.
  4. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    LOL. Didn't mean to bring you down. This is great and I am looking forward to both the smoke report and the next grow. I have plenty of amnesia left and am even saving some of the LA Confidential for you.
  5. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    The only sad part is we are coming to the end of the thread. Really nice job on both the grow AND the journal. Won't let me +rep you right now, but this has been a consistently excellent thread.
  6. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    LMAO. Fucking hilarious. I have to give a shout out to my wife who actually forced me into growing - my first grow and plants were my Xmas present. After the first grow, within a week she was asking: "so, what are we growing next"? Still, I want to use this line at some point...
  7. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Great idea HippySmoke. I will cure my next grow this way. +rep
  8. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    On completing the grow. It looks good and I am confident that the G13 anyway will smoke well. Are you drying in your box? Curing in glass jars? What are you next steps? LOL...
  9. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Is it going on tonight? Everything looks great Homer. Met up with KMK and tried out some of my 2 week cured G13 Haze. He can give you the smoke report - but we missed you. Interesting place and vibe. Anyway, looking forward to seeing the results here. Peace...
  10. Dread50

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    But better late than never... Great grow. I really like the perpetual grow/harvest idea. +rep
  11. Dread50

    MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!

    That is an ambitious plan Meta. I would be interested in seeing how that worked... That is so complicated I would have to stop getting high to run the operation, and what fun would that be? Seriously, it sounds very cool. I am interested in the logistics of a perpetual grown.
  12. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Wow. Hmmmmm.... where to start. Hate to jump on the bandwagon, but: I think it would be better if instead of using a cardboard box, you used a commercial grow room. And... This is like looking at a haiku and saying: "it would have been better if it were a sonnet". IMHO, this grow is an...
  13. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Homer, Love your avatar. As good as your grow has been to watch (and it has been dope), your pictures, photo technique tips, etc., have been even better. Much respect.
  14. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Seems like a natural for a meetup... Homer, sorry I have been so absent as well. Actually working... I know, how could anyone put work over this? Need to fix my priorities.
  15. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Homer, Beautiful pics, as always. I chopped my G13 Amnesia Haze and have already dried it and began the cure. I have some pictures that I will upload of the manicured plants, but I will say that it did not look nearly as nice as your girl. Still it is some stinky and sticky weed. I have...
  16. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    I can't imagine I would ever trade that for a "real" job. I have not been able to smoke all day long since I was in high school - and even then I had to go to class once in a while. Homer, amazing pics. I would expect your trichs to be clear at this point - mine are only about 75% cloudy...
  17. Dread50

    MoNk0's Perpetual CFL Grow

    Looks great MoNk0. I am subbed. Love these u-haul grows. Not to mention your avatar...LOL.
  18. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    I have to agree with Meta here... You should see how sorry my plant looks at the moment, having survived PM, freezing temperatures, etc.etc etc. - basically all of the fan leaves are gone or yellow, and yet... the buds keep getting fatter and frostier and I am hoping for the best in a couple of...
  19. Dread50

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Homer, I know our conditions vary considerably, but 70 days in mine is only about 50% milky and still putting on weight. It looks like you have the PM under control. I talked with somebody else who got their G13 from the same place we did and they were also fighting PM. I am more convinced...