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  1. W

    Would You Want To Live Forever?

    Guys, watch the movie "The Man From Earth". Low budget movie, but will make you think along the same lines of this thread. It's pretty much, what if a man didnt age from the time of earliest human life? Good movie.
  2. W

    Put Down The Geisha......

    Don't be mad about cpr. It rarely actually works, you should be consoled by the fact that you tried. If you did nothing, then I could understand the guilt, but in this case I see no reason for being guilty.
  3. W

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Me too. Baked. Bump.
  4. W

    Bump The Munchies!

    Bump for Cinnamon Toast Crunch .... my teeth hurt.
  5. W

    Bump The Munchies!

    Bump, mini-wheats here.
  6. W

    Think I got the pizza maker guy fired

    I thought it was pot pie because the pie is in t a pot when you bake it? Dunno...
  7. W

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    Hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to be condescending to any one person, and what I posted was certainly not meant to be name calling. I did not assume you were a male or a female, I didn't think it mattered. I'm not going to argue about the comment about reading more books than I ever could, because...
  8. W

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    We've caused damage to the planet that will take millions of years to reverse? What? When did this happen? Sorry bud, but that isn't true. I think the best remedy to a conspiracy theory is to turn off the TVs and read books. But back on topic... I think that date is also the end of an age...
  9. W

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Dude I'll bump that
  10. W

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Morning. Baked. Chemistry exam in an hour. Uh oh. ^_______________________^
  11. W

    I have a rant. I think you should Read it.

    Wealth is not relative. You are either wealthy or you aren't... there is no opinion about it. Not being able to determine if you're wealthy or not is probably also a cause of some of the issues you describe in the first post......
  12. W

    The Indigo/Crystal Children

    You just tried to use an astrology website as the basis of your statement. Is that supposed to prove your point/theory? I don't get it. This is the problem with the internet. People state wild fantasies as "facts" and then try and back them up with their "sources" they found via google in 5...
  13. W

    Maybe there is a god

    This thread is so ridiculous is fucking awesome
  14. W

    The "How old are you" thread

    23 here Good to see a lot of older people. Too many forums these days are over-run with like 15 year olds.. its bad
  15. W

    this is total BS

    Yes it can... It burns a lot cleaner. But I agree... total BS. Politics is what it is. Gotta take the good and the bad with living in a liberal area. I learned that the hard way >_<
  16. W

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Haha, that's awesome.
  17. W

    HIGH IQ society

    news flash: primary and secondary school grades don't mean shit.
  18. W

    Well ... they voted it down ...

    awesome post. best post I have ever read on this website
  19. W

    The Path Of Love

    Can you post a sample diet? I went to a link posted by GK and am reading and its saying to eat nothing but meat, fish, vegetables... which i thought was not what the point of this thread? I'm not saying I don't believe you garden knowm.. just want to see an example of some good foods to eat. I...