Think I got the pizza maker guy fired


Well-Known Member
I work for Papa John's & in my opinion all major chains places are terrible compared with local. I think that intelligent people know why as well. Quality not Quantity is the key. Local businesses attempt to gather customers with quality food & services...big companies operate on the simple concept of efficiency. Whatever makes more profit is the way they go even if a little quality is sacrificed.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
chain pizza companies are supposed to kick out an identical product every-time from continent to continent in the most efficient and mass appealing way. Your supposed to know what your going to get and a bad pizza maker is basically stealing from you. On another side since when did these people start thinking they are selling gold instead of pizza. Not to long ago a pizza was at your door for fifteen bucks. Now their wanting twenty plus unless it's a special sale day. And they are charging delivery fees of three dollars and want a tip on top of that. It's a regressive food tax on the lazy stoner and I think we should raise hell :)


Well-Known Member
I avoid "chain" pizza like the plaque.... pre frozen crusts... ingredients bought by the ton... I get them from our local greek or italian small pizza places.... homemade sauce you can smell them making in the morning..every morning...... MMMmmm..!
these guys know their shit.. even "Perry" the delivery guy who's been doing that since 75.. made a fortune because of his speedy great service..the guy drives a corvette... from tips.... plus living 3 minutes away helps.......

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if a delivery person made around 35 an hour on a good night. I've tried numerous times to have the driver stop at the store to get other supplies on the way :) It worked once and I gave him a twenty tip.


Well-Known Member
Dude I live in a COUNTRY, where noone puts origano on pizza, who can I have fired?


New Member
I usually go and pick mine up, fuck delivery, it's cold when it gets here and they always forget shit. I order extra bread stick sauce, which I don't mind paying for, but they can't ever seem to make it to my house with the shit.


New Member
I don't think it's because they're stoners. I think a stoner would recognize the need for extra dipping sauce and they would make sure I got it. It's those non-stoners, they just don't understand......


New Member
All this food talk on all the threads made me need to put a pot pie in the oven. Smoke some pot, eat a pot pie, I wonder, where does that name hail from?


Well-Known Member
for good home made mini-pizza:
use pillsbury grands biskits and roll them out flat, then add toppings....


Well-Known Member
On the tenderflake shortening 1lb box theres a great one that has a bit of vinegar in it....
It might be on flap.... or back..can't remember.....
here anyway..........