this is total BS


Well-Known Member
i've had a roaring fire all week. i didn't even know until late last night. so am i supposed to freeze or what? burning kerosene can't be much better.


Active Member
Yes it can... It burns a lot cleaner.

But I agree... total BS. Politics is what it is. Gotta take the good and the bad with living in a liberal area. I learned that the hard way >_<


Well-Known Member
keep burning the wood but it would have been against the law for someone to sell you that wood stove btw ....... If someone asked you about that wood stove say it came with the house! It is against the law to put a wood stove in all new homes in CA except for a few places. For a new home builder to put in a new wood stove it has to show proof that they took out 5 old wood stoves and replaced them with gas or something ........