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  1. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Just to let everybody know.bought 10 widow seed fro 90 quid on and not fucking one sprouted!!Went onto got ten for 30 quid and the first 2 sprouted and i didnt change a thing!!so no more for everyone,i forbid it
  2. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Irishmc lookin pretty well mate.Im only growing one at the min because i tried and failed with my first 3 so only have 2 seeds left.I want to make sure i have everything set up right before trying again with more.Widow seeds are damn expensive!!but well worth it
  3. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well growing in a shed in dublin has to be out the window at this stage!fuck off snow
  4. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    the widow is growing!thank d lord fuck!
  5. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    let me know how u get on with the widow.its breaking my heart at the blaming the seeds.still havent tried new age ur the first ive heard getting anything from there.
  6. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    lucifer yea ive raised the light alright and ive started with just 1 seed again because i only got 5.i have no nutes in just yet.i had a good grow last year with a diff strain and have changed nothing.i have em in a big open room which might not help dream is to fill it tho :) i got...
  7. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    im getting severely jealous of people that have smoked widow!had sum in amsterdam a few months back and dying to get my hands on it since.the smell of it alone wud knock you the stuff over ur way d same?
  8. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    il take it all!im going into hibernation but want to do it with an unholy amount of bud rather then food!!poxy snow is driving me mad
  9. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    nice to see some people can still get their hands on sum decent shit!dublin is on lockdown!well west dublin is anyway
  10. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Did i fuck!havent smoked nasty hash in a while.the bud is the way to go!!!is that the blanch road spliffbazz?
  11. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    after that budget think il grow for the country.make everybody happy
  12. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    im using 400w lights bout 2ft away from the plants.i had a decent grow with a chronic strand last year and i havent changed a thing!!think widow is a bit touchy.but ive changed nothing and just cant get it to grow.its killing me!ive loads of space but then again im not growing for the country.i...
  13. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hehe box i have a feckin room to grow widow but it will sprout but not grow.imagine a whole freakin room of d stuff!
  14. Blaaazed


    when the lights are on i tend not to go above 70 degreees but if they are flowering ur doing well
  15. Blaaazed

    Chicago...monday, anyone with a g or 2?

    id say theres sum amount of cops on here
  16. Blaaazed

    official party cup growoff

    not fair.all i have is widow.takes fucking forever!
  17. Blaaazed

    take her in out of the shed!!!

    take her in out of the shed!!!
  18. Blaaazed

    First time PC Build/Grow

    extremely jealous of everybodies plants right now!white widow is testing my patience
  19. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    so much for that idea!!
  20. Blaaazed

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ok so need a bit of help.ive had 2 successful grows of just d basic chronic now ive tried growing skunk and white widow i can get d fuckers to sprout but not grow!!!is there sumthin i have to change for these 2??? any help welcome!!also if you want to give me 2 tiny widow or skunk plants...