The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
hey guys was just wondering what fertiliser most of ye are using ? obviously we cant get any of the shit those american boys are always talking about so any information ye could give me would be fantastic ! thanks !


Active Member
im sorry i havent had a chance to read the older posts about nutes ! anything i can buy in B&Q or woodies or any of those places ? cheers


Active Member
Haven't had the chance to get on the net for a few days, the girls are doin grand proff I didn't air the roots yet I've been too busy, the soil's well dried now so no more issues, the tallest one is back to normal completely, the odd leaf is a bit crispy still but they won't be there much longer, the dwarf girl has all crusted leaf edges but at least the parts that aren't dry are back to the dark colour they started off, as for the other 2 one didn't make it past the 1st set of true leaves but the other one is at the same stage jays are at so I'm well happy, 3 out of 5 for the lowlife ak's. I took a few pics on the phone but I'm gonna do a few high resolution ones so you can see the pistils the short one is throwin out compared to the tall one, the tall one has a hell of a lot more budd sites though, I dare say 3 weeks and she'll be a monster :D

Thanks for the help too gettin them sorted lads much appreciated.


Active Member
Hey guys im looking for a little help here.

The auto i have growing popped her head above the ground 15 days ago today but she is still so small. Only about 1" tall with 2 leaves

I have her growing in bio bizz all mix in a box in my shed under a 125w cfl and im thinking it might be too cold in there and its stunning the growth. Does that sound right?

Cheers for any feed back lads.


Well-Known Member
By the sounds of it your plant has stopped growing because it's too cold, I'd suggest moving it indoors till this cold spell goes or get a hps and use the heat off that.

Hope this helps

Oh just a matter of interest, how big is your box?


hehe box

i have a feckin room to grow widow but it will sprout but not grow.imagine a whole freakin room of d stuff!


Active Member
By the sounds of it your plant has stopped growing because it's too cold, I'd suggest moving it indoors till this cold spell goes or get a hps and use the heat off that.

Hope this helps

Oh just a matter of interest, how big is your box?

Cheers Jay.

Bringing her in is not an option im afraid. My mate has a hps light i might borrow.

The box is about 3x3x3.5 ft.

That sounds ruff Blaaazed:sad::sad:


Well-Known Member
Cheers Jay.

Bringing her in is not an option im afraid. My mate has a hps light i might borrow.

The box is about 3x3x3.5 ft.

That sounds ruff Blaaazed:sad::sad:
Get that hps if you can... That'll keep your room warm, I'm using 20/4 cycle for my autos mostly to keep the room warm, once this cold weather is gone then I'll switch to 18/6.
If your able to warm up the soil a bit would boost it


Active Member
the best place to get nutes would be somewhere like the new age shop in tallaght village, i would suggest you use something like a bottle of bio bizz grow then when plants are in flower use bio bizz bloom, great stuff and easier to measure than stuff in b and q which is like one cap to forty gallons. lol.
if you are having a problem with the clod you need to put the plant in a small wooden box, dont worry about ventelation, they will be fine that small, make sure the light is 1 to 2 inches above the plant no more, no nutes!. i made a box and had a large sheet wrapped all around it to keep heat in, in a confines area a 125w cfl will produce enough heat even in this weather!
what light are you using and how far from the plant is it, if cfl keep near and when the plants are young i found they dont need loads of ventelation, i only opened a closed cupboard once a day, it keeps the heat and moisture up a bit which the plants like when young, dont have them in too much of a large area, a smaller box is a much better medium when the plants are young because its easier to manage. you can move the plants when they get a bit older and stronger.
you guys dont have to take any of my advise as im only on my first grow but likes lots of other guys i have learned what works and what doesnt, plus read lots and lots of books.
good luck lads


im using 400w lights bout 2ft away from the plants.i had a decent grow with a chronic strand last year and i havent changed a thing!!think widow is a bit touchy.but ive changed nothing and just cant get it to grow.its killing me!ive loads of space but then again im not growing for the country.i got the seeds online.maybe thats the problem.anybody have experience with this pain in the arse strain of beutifulness?apart from smoking it

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
ye thats the stuff richie its nasty i got a lovely lump if fish in a box its nearly as good as pollen

and the pic was taken in westmeath....
Yea lol the stuff is rather shit alright, havnt smoked any hash now in a good while. Theres a bit of nice grass around at the moment, big bucks tho. A few of us normaly just go in on a sack and smoke the shit out of it.

Theres some other shit i got my mits on there the other day, brown nearly smells like hash and hay and has a fair few seeds in it aswell. Kinda like the shit in a block but its not in a block just a buds. Ill post up a snap. Theres nice stone off it aswell.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
ye i had some of that recently too ...mine was more green than brown.....5 mature seeds lol.
I kept a few mature seeds myself. There not atal like the brick weed seeds i have. The new ones have tiger stripes and the brick ones dont. Grew a brick last year turned out to be a pure sativa...Nice if we hade the climet to grow them to see how it would turn out. Could be some fuckin funky shit if taken care of in the right conditions.