Search results

  1. CthonicIrrigation

    blue himalaya grow under 2 150 hps

    Really nice to see a Blue Himalaya grow that isn't BHD. Blue Himalaya is one of the prime contenders for my next grow, as I have a very height-constricted grow space... I've previously grown a Lowryder 2 plant and am currently having to heavily LST a very vigorous DP Blueberry... I'm also...
  2. CthonicIrrigation

    Molasses in an Aerogarden

    Thank you all... Despite the name, an Aerogarden is more Hydro than Aero, as it doesn't have sprayers... Having had a rough time finding molasses on the island anyway, I've decided to use 100% organic maple syrup instead. Maple Syrup has a very similar chemical composition to molasses, so...
  3. CthonicIrrigation

    Any good sites for strains And determining their highs?

    Yep. Seedfinder is probably the most comprehensive list.
  4. CthonicIrrigation

    Pick n& Mix Seeds vs Attitude. Any Help?

    As someone who only has the space to grow one plant at a time, Pick 'n' Mix Seeds have been brilliant, compared to Attitude. Plus Attitude's Payment System crashed on me three times, causing me to have multiple orders that I couldn't pay for or delete. As to the people who are getting dud...
  5. CthonicIrrigation

    Molasses in an Aerogarden

    Hmmmmm... Interesting. Thanks for that... I'll have a look into an aero-friendly version, then... I don't want to break anything accidentally...
  6. CthonicIrrigation

    Molasses in an Aerogarden

    I've read a lot about using molasses in the flowering period and wanted to try it out. My question is, has anyone tried using molasses in an Aerogarden before? I can't imagine it being too different to the AG "Flowering Season" liquid nutrients, but thought I had better ask anyway. So. Anyone...
  7. CthonicIrrigation

    TIMELAPSE pics from Seed (pt.1) to Flower (pt.2) -[High Resolution]

    That's really handy, thank you... I've been looking around for pictures showing the stages from Pre-flowering to harvest time, and this really helps! My baby has just started to form little clusters of white pistols instead beyond just the little pairs on each node, so I can now expect her to...
  8. CthonicIrrigation

    Welcome New Members!

    e5eopy, Have you looked under the "plant problems" sub-forum? There should be something there that should help.
  9. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    Thank you, sir! It's a LowRyder 2 Auto. I was looking for something small that wouldn't be too cramped in a tiny AeroGarden. Think I may avoid the topping this time around anyway, as this is really my "Control Grow" to give a baseline as a reference for future grows... Thank you for letting...
  10. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    Is this it? I checked Bert today, thinking of "Topping for four colas" but spotted what I think are pistils forming at the upper nodes... Decided that if flowering has already started, then topping might bugger everything up... Responses welcome... Apologies for the photo quality, by the...
  11. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    Week 3/4 I try to check at least twice a week now. This was Wednesday.
  12. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    Or is it 2? When do you actually start counting? From sprouting or planting? I was pretty nervous, so I checked on Bert the next day, just to make sure. The extra growth heartened me. I am not emptying out the reservoir every week, either. I am treating this as a regular Aerogarden...
  13. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    I am using filtered tap water, by the way. Ernie never sprouted. Nada. Bert had been going strong for two weeks, when I decided to remove Ernie and give Bert the full Reservoir and light. I think I may have damaged Bert's taproot when I adjusted his position in the rooting material, though...:?
  14. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    I'm trying to catch up a bit here, and in my haste, attached all the images in the wrong order to my first post... Here is the initial set-up. Two Seed-pods - Bert and Ernie. Feminised Lowryder 2.
  15. CthonicIrrigation

    My First Grow - LowRyder 2 - Aerogarden Classic - AG Nutes

    Welcome to my Grow Journal. I've been researching an Aerogarden grow for a long time. It seems like the perfect start for me. I have a small, confined space and only a personal need. I am using an Aerogarden Classic. The only modifications are an Airstone (6") and putting the lights on...
  16. CthonicIrrigation

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all. I've been reading all your posts with intrigue for the last few months, but this is my first post. I have just started an Aerogarden grow and will be writing a Grow Journal to cover it. I look forward to interacting with you all and hopefully some day giving back something...