Welcome New Members!


Good evening,

I came across this site a few months back as I was beginning to learn about growing. Most fascinating was the free exchange of information, experience and candor. I visit it almost daily now and just wanted to express my gratitude for the forum and members who take time to help those who are, shall we say...less enlightened. I will be active on this forum and hope to begin a grow journal this week. Happy gardening all! :peace:


hey .
i just put my room together and got some clone's . my clone's are about 5'' tall and i don't know how old they are (i was blazed when i got them) is there a way to tell ,or does it matter. and why are my fan leafs turning super light yellow. roots/organic...600hps....temp80.....half dose supernova.....20on 4 off ....i water when the medium dry's 4'' down .... help anyone
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but...

Just a thing that I've noticed here -People are a little more willing to help others who try to help themselves.

There are hundreds of articles pertaining to the questions you asked, use the search functions to find and examine what people have already written.


like you said there are hundreds of articles pertaining to it , but after a few hours of reading the same shit. and no luck ............ you mite have the time sit here all day reading hundreds of articles and not being a dick, but i don't .. thanks for the good info. ill keep it in mind after i smoke a blunt

Tim Smith

Hello, Im am a indoor grower and i am having all kinds of probs, leavs curling,leavs turning yellow,and new growth even curling, help.


hi everyone on the forums. i am a long time marijuana smoker. been a MMJ patient for some time now. now really looking into growing because times are tough. looking forward to hearing from everybody on the forums. happy camping. and toke up!~


What's up everybody? This is my first post & I just joined the site. I'm a long time smoker, since I was 15, and now I'm 25 and still blazing with the best of them. I'm also a m.b.a. student at a university in Virginia. I'll let everyone know more as we go along. Just wanted to introduce myself & say how glad I am to be a part of the community.
Hello everyone...Im new here but not to growing. Im 24, Live in MI, and i love everything about cannabis. There is truly something though about growing your own to enjoy. Ive seen this site plenty of times on my journey to accomplish a healthy first grow, and now finaly decided it was time to join haha (it got old not being able to see the pictures because i wasnt a member)

Dont laugh but heres my quick story. I started in a custom box that i made two years back (which now works perfectly for a clone box). It's 2x2x2 that sits perfectly under my 30 gallon aqaurium. Theres something about having an aqaurium in a growroon that makes me feel safe, especially 30 gallons of quick ready to use water haha. Anyways after 3 failed attemps and being almost ready to give up I decided i wasnt gonna let it defeat me. So i bought a 125 watt cfl, put an exhaust fan in the top and got my first succesful grow out of it. Boy did that change my life forever haha. So as human kind preceds so does the drive to want more and was the case for me. So i bought a 400 watt hps/mh setup. The frist grow didnt go well either, producing 4 hermys out of 6 haha (which btw oddly enough proved to be excellent weed). But after working through the seasons dealing with all the new problems that arose to me i finaly have a fully working set-up. The strange thing is i never have an issue with smell. Well i could go on and on but after 2 years and growing many nice strains im starting to think bigger now that i have the confidence.

So theres my brief story. hopefully everyone on this site is as cool and chill as i hope. looking forward to talking :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Figured it was time to make my first post. Been lurking for about a month now, and between posts from widow maker and many others got my own Grow going.
Thinking about posting what i have done and how. maybe get some constructive criticism and also hope my experience could benefit others.

I have never grown anything before, but being disabled and having tons of time on my hands has its advantages.
Quick rundown of my setup as it is right now,.

6 T12 Fixtures 2 bulbs each fixture, 40w each tube 6500k and 2300k tubes 1 temperature per fixture
30Gal plastic tote for a reservoir filled 25gals. 2 lids from the tops of 2 huge plastic totes to hold my plants.
lots of tubing for my drippers and drainage. that's my veggie area.

my Blooming area is a ebb and flood - ? If thats what its called anyhow, fills with nutes and then drains. I'll try and attach some pictures.
my only problem so far i think is i am overwatering with my drippers, gotta cut it back a little.

My Babies
GR 009.jpg

My Ebb/flood setup so far, HPS Light Coming Soon, Thinking about 2x 400w I know 1x 1000w would be better. but cost is an issue.

GR 011.jpg

The Resovoir tank for my veggie area
GR 008.jpg
another shot of the veggie area

GR 010.jpg

OB 1

Active Member
Temps 65 RH 45 right now fluctuate a little. The new growths are dry and brittle.
That's a tough one. Doesn't sound like mold conditions... so I don't know what it is. When in doubt... flush with R/O water...