Molasses in an Aerogarden


Active Member
I've read a lot about using molasses in the flowering period and wanted to try it out.
My question is, has anyone tried using molasses in an Aerogarden before? I can't imagine it being too different to the AG "Flowering Season" liquid nutrients, but thought I had better ask anyway.
So. Anyone actually tried it in practice?


Well-Known Member
For molasses to be available to the plant it will have to first be broken down and processed by microbes. This seems undesirable in an areo as it is likely to cause a biofilm which can clog things. Best to use fermented molasses or some other type of sweetener that is already broken down.


Active Member
Hmmmmm... Interesting. Thanks for that... I'll have a look into an aero-friendly version, then...
I don't want to break anything accidentally...


Well-Known Member
If you want to supply a little extra energy to the plant try a foliar spray. Florablend works pretty well, and would be okay to put in your res too as it is already decomposed. If you have some money to spend try liquid light + saturator, but pay no more than $60 for the pair. Some places list it for $100 each.
Id just bought a complete general hydroponic aeroflo.. System he's telling me I shouldn't used the pump thar came with it.. Because it doest push out much pressure or spray inside the pvs sites.. He said ishould get a stronger one.. Anyone on here I could help me get a brand name pump please recommend.. Thanks

Zigg Zagg

Id just bought a complete general hydroponic aeroflo.. System he's telling me I shouldn't used the pump thar came with it.. Because it doest push out much pressure or spray inside the pvs sites.. He said ishould get a stronger one.. Anyone on here I could help me get a brand name pump please recommend.. Thanks
The one that comes with the system is sufficient, though, a more powerful one would only help. Supposedly, it is enough to power a whole other 60 sites with the extension kit. But yeah, I don't think more power would hurt at all.

The pump that comes with the kit is 1250 GPH...I found these pumps by Reeflo, that range from 2500-5800 GPH. You may want something similar to that.

and for the thread topic: I recently read something about dissolved sugars? doesnt seem like that would clog up sprayers...


Active Member
Thank you all... Despite the name, an Aerogarden is more Hydro than Aero, as it doesn't have sprayers...
Having had a rough time finding molasses on the island anyway, I've decided to use 100% organic maple syrup instead.
Maple Syrup has a very similar chemical composition to molasses, so hopefully it should have the same effect. (Besides, there's something glorious ironic about the similarity in leaf shape... ;-) )
I need to start a new grow journal anyway, as my current grow is actually Blueberry, using LST on an Aerogarden base with LED lighting...
The most interesting lesson from this current grow is the fact that 5ml of Coconut Water per gallon of feed REALLY stimulates root growth!! :shock: