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  1. Lucas Johnson

    first grow. help me out!

    Probably your best bet is to let them veg and watch for them to presex. This is usually when the plant is ready to flower. Most will do this. If they are already stressed don't worry about force sexing the lower branches. Just give them a few more weeks and then move them to a 12/12.
  2. Lucas Johnson

    first grow. help me out!

    First of all 4 days of strait light won't take them out of veg, but keep them veggin. Maybe some confusion there. Anyway's 18/6 light cycle is good for veg. If they are not showing any signs of pre flower at all, which would be a callax with two little white hairs sticking out of them, then...
  3. Lucas Johnson

    3 week old in 5 gallon?

    I don't know what maricle grow moisture control is but if it has been sitting outside for months and if you are growing inside I would probably invest into some new soil.
  4. Lucas Johnson

    400 watt hps grow

    Just wanted to add that good things come in time. Usually the more time the better it is. Anyways, my opinion: Just like purplehazin said, they do look alittle crowded, not at their current size, but once they start getting bigger and bushier they will fight upward for the light and that can...
  5. Lucas Johnson

    First Grow: Are My Girls Looking, Okay?

    Im a big fan of using HID lights for plants that are taller then a foot. If you give them enough light with the cfl's and T5's they shlould be ok. Just remember the more light you through at them during the flowring the better quality and denser bug you gonna get.
  6. Lucas Johnson

    my jackass bro cut all but the biggest buds from my plant!!!!

    Post some pics and you should get some more precise guidance on what you could do. I could help you out but with out a visual I'm to stoned right now to figure it out.
  7. Lucas Johnson

    Female Noob here. Have a ? about humidity!

    I think they already answered your question about the humidy. I just wanted to add one thing to this post that will help you out I think. Being new to this buisness don't get to wrapped up in the things like humidity. As long as you are comfortable in the room the plants will be too. The...
  8. Lucas Johnson

    Is this nutrient burn?

    All the othere posts pretty much nailed it. Don't Fert for the first few weeks. Let the plant tell you when it is ready for fert. It will start to turn a yellow color pale green when it lacks in N. A good early fert for seedlings is just B1 Thrive Alive or superthrive in moderation. Let...
  9. Lucas Johnson

    fungus gnats best way

    I don't know what these are called but they are a yellow bar about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide and maybe 3/4 inch thick. They have some kind of chemical that is time released and they will kill all the bugs good and bad in the grow room. But they do work on gnats to that nest in the...
  10. Lucas Johnson

    Using a Plastic Tub from wal mart for a resavoir...the proper way that worked for me.

    This is just something that I wanted to share with all who wanted to read this post. I decided to use the cheap but fairly tuff plastic totes or tubs from walmart or lowes for my indoor grow resavoir. I noticed after awhile algae did grow in side of it with out any kind of wrapping to block...
  11. Lucas Johnson

    Question on growing with rockwool

    I guess I pretty much replyed to this post cause the users picture was hot.
  12. Lucas Johnson

    Hey man let me know if you need some help sorting this issue out. I replyed to your post with...

    Hey man let me know if you need some help sorting this issue out. I replyed to your post with some info but really need more info from you about what you are using for a growing medium and fertilizer if any. I am new to this too and am just starting to get all the kinks sorted out. So I might...
  13. Lucas Johnson

    First Grow ...need advice on whats happening(pics)

    It could be multiple problems. I have had some similar problems with my vegin plants. The leaves will contort and disform. I don't know what happended to make them do that, but I konw what helped them come out of it. First of all give me some more info on you stuf: ie: growing medium, is it...
  14. Lucas Johnson

    a room without ventilation? question.

    You can grow good plants in a pantry like that, but you need ventilation. If you are using a HPS SOdium light, how many watts? A small 400W will not put off enough heet unvented to hurt any plants as long as you have a supply of fresh air to the room and an exhaust. This is important. The...
  15. Lucas Johnson

    Buds growing new shoots

    Well i just wanted to touch base on this thread one last time. I have cut all the plants in the room that i was having the problems with. The first ones that i cut came out good after curing for a couple weeks in quart mason jars. They seemed to titen up and they smelled great. Orangy and...
  16. Lucas Johnson

    How long to flush when using clearex?

    Just my 2 cents: I just harvested two plants that did not get flushed at all for whatever reason. I know they should be flushed properly, but they don't crackle and it is a very smooth smoke. I think as long as you get some sort of flush for a few days depending on nutrient levels and strain...
  17. Lucas Johnson

    Question on growing with rockwool

    First of all you need to soak your rockwool in water with the PH of the water adjusted to 5.3 for 24 hours. Rockwool comes with a hi PH so doing this will adjust it to the proper PH for growing. Take your seeds and germinate them in a wet paper tower with distilled water from store if you have...
  18. Lucas Johnson

    The Best Nutes for plants grown Hydro???

    I am fairly new grower to indoors, but I have had the oppurtunity to read extensively on the subject and feel that I have a pretty good understanding on the overall topic. When I first started my grow I ordered Endless Sky from Dr. Green Thumb and while waiting on those I started some bag seeds...
  19. Lucas Johnson

    Buds growing new shoots

    Thanks for the advice. I already tore those stupid green cfl's out and trying to cut back on N in the mix. Another question...will the big ole buds that started to dreadlock go back to full flower? They seen like they lost all their frostyness and got all fluffy. Let them go longer, or...
  20. Lucas Johnson

    Buds growing new shoots

    This is my first indoor grow. These plants were doing great and then I changed a few things. Just wondering if someone out there might know a few things about what happended. About 6 weeks into flowering, I added 2 green cfl lights so I could enter the room and see what I was doing. I also...